Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

PRAYERS FOR CnLLDREN. 343 among men : When shall the time come, O Lord, that the liberties of mankind, and of thy gospel, shall be asserted and vindicated by the rulers of this world ? When shall it be, that the kings of all the earth, shall bring their power and glory to support the cause of true religion ? 2. I bless thee, O Lord, from my very soul, that thou hast bestowed on this my native land a protestant king, and that we enjoy our religious and civil privileges ander his government : Enrich him with the choicest of thy blessings, that he may adorn the high station to which thou hast exalted him, with the exercise of every virtue, and may become an illustrious pattern of all goodness. Let the crown sit long and easy on his head. Establish his royal family and offspring in the earth, that in their successive seasons and stations, they may become guards and ornaments to the protes- tant interest. 3. May all inferiorrulers be directed by thy wis- dom, and influenced by thy grace, that they maybe made public blessings to this kingdom. 4. Maintain thy gcspel in its power and glory : Let the ministry of thy word be attended with a rich supply of thy Spirit, that thy church on earth may be en- larged daily, and knowledge and holiness may increase and. abound among men. 3. Look down in mercy on my dear rela- tions and friends. Bless my parents and kindred with all the necessary gifts of providence and of grace. Manifest thy love to all those that loveme, and enable me from my heart, to for- give all that have done me hurt : Let them repent of their sins, OLord, and be made partakers of thy forgiveness. Pleading. Many are the favours 1 have requested of thee, Omy God ; but how shall I pleadwith thee, and what arguments shall I use to prevail that I may obtain them ? I know, and I have confessed, that I deserve nothing at thy hands but dost thou notdelight to discover thy free and rich grace, and to malte thy mercy triumph over the unworthiness of thy creatures ? Hast thou not promised to hear the cries of the humble ? And does not thy word assure nee, that " those who seek thee early shall find thee ?" Are not young petitioners always welcome to thy throne ? Has not Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, pleased thee in all things, and purchased by his death all the blessings that I can stand in need of? Let the prayers of a worthless creature come up before thee, this morning, with acceptance, on the ac- count of thy Son, who is our great high-priest, and intercedes for us in heaven at thy right-hand. Thanksgiving. In his name also, would I offer up my humble thanks for all the mercies I enjoy, and for all that I hope for. It is to thee, O God, that I owe my very life and being, my health and ease,- and the use of my senses and nay limbs : Thou givest me safety in the night, and the blessings of the morning. It is from thee I derive all the benefits of food and