PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 315 and against the assaults of temptation ; for thoughI would wil- lingly avoid every thing that displeases thee, yet I knowmy own weakness, and therefóre I humbly put myself under the constant protection of thy grace. Preserve my younger years from the pollutions of the world, andguard me through all this danger- ous stage of life. Let me not repeat any of the follies or sins that have this day overtaken me, but help me to set a more careful and perpetual watch over my thoughts, my lips, and my actions, that I may not so offend my God, and make continual work for bitter repentance. 4. Chuse thou, O Lord, my inhe- ritance for me, and my portion in this world, and be thou my portion and my !appiuess in the World to come. Let not my heart be set on grandeur and riches, but fix my affections on the things that are above, where Jesus Christ is at thy right -hand. Let me be truly content with the disposals of tfiy providence in this present life, waiting for joy and complete felicity in the next. 5. And O my heavenly Father, if thou see'it necessary to smite me With the rod of affliction in this state of trial, make me pa- tient and submissive under all the sorrows I sustain ; let me re- ceive with holy meekness the correcting strokes of thy hand, since I have so often and so highly provoked thee, Bear me ali under all the heavy burdens that may be laid upon me, end carry me safely through the sorest trials and difficulties that may attend my way. Let me never be discouraged in my duty, nor growweary of well-doing, trusting to thy gracious promise, that I shall reap a joyful harvest in'due time, if I faint not. 6. Search me and try me, O Lord, this evening, and discover to me wherein I have wandered from thee : make metruly peni- tent for all my wanderings, and reduce my feet to the paths of holiness and peace. Thus, by judging myself, at the end of every day, let me be better prepared for my solemn appear- ance before 'thy awful seat of judgment : and by the constant practice of piety here on earth, let me grow daily more meet to perform the business of heaven, and to enjoy the blessedness of thy kingdom. Resignation or self -surrender. And now, O my God, what shall I do to become more entirely thine ? I would make a fresh surrender of myself, both sou; and body to thee for time and eternity. I would lay myself down to rest this night under the shadow of thy, wings, under the protection of thy provi- dence, and the guard of thy grace. Let thy holy angels have charge over me while I sleep, and antler no evil imaginations to molest or disquiet me. Whether I wake or sleep live or die, let me be the Lord's for ever. Petitions for others O thou Almighty Maker of mankind, thou Father of the spirits of all flesh, look' down and pity a lost miserable world. Send thy gospel of light' and love among the VOL. v. Z