318 PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. heathen nations: Restore thy ancient people the Jews to thy favour, by the faith of Jesus whom their fathers crucified : En- , Ibihten and recover those parts of the earth which he under the dehisions, of Maltomet: Destroy the kingdom of Antichrist, which has spread itself so wide among the countries of Europe Put an everlasting end to popish idolatry, superstition and tyran- ny over the 'consciences of men.. Relieve those who suffer for the sake of truth in all quarters of the world : Wheresoever the glorious gospel of Christ is preached, let it be made very successful for the salvation of souls : And cause pure and unde- filed religion to flourish amongall those who profess it, through the more abundant influences of thy holy Spirit. 2. Continue to endow our most gracious sovereign King George, with all those human and divine qualities, which are necessary for such a governor, as stands at the head of the protestant interest in the world. Give him length of life, and his people's universal love: Let wise and faithful counsellors ever stand before him ; and by the aids of thy grace, let him ever pursue the things that make for his own happiness, for the welfareof the nation, and the peace of thy churches. 3. Bless the royal household of princes and princesses; may they be trained up in the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, that in their growing years they may become blessings to the world ; and let virtue and religion be defended and encouraged by all, that are exalted to stations of honour and authority in the land.. 4. Bestow thy choicestfavours oeu my dear pàrents, &c: and on all that are re- lated to me in the bonds of nature ; let thembe made partakers of thy heavenly and everlasting grace. Bless my superiors of every kind, my teachers and mygovernors; and may I behave myself in my station of life as becomesa Christian, toward all those whom thyprovidence has set over me. Thanksgiving. After the many requests I have offered for the mercies I want, I beg leave to render humble thanks to thy Majesty, for the blessings I have received. I praise my God, for the measures of ease and health which I enjoy, for the kind providences which have attended me this day, and that so many of the comforts of life have been continually provided for me, that I have not been exposed to those hardships and temptations, which have surrounded others in their younger years: Above all I bless thee, O Lord, for the wonders of thy grace, in providing such a divine and glorious method of recovery for sinful man- kind : Blessed be our God, who has ordained of old a covenant of mercy and forgiveness for guilty creatures, and has sent his Son Jesus to be, the chief messenger of this covenant, to con- firm the promises of it, and to purchase theblessings of it, with, his own most precious blood. I praise thee for the full and rich discotery of all this grace to mankind in the holy scriptures, and