Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

350 PRAYERS TOR CHILDREN I adore and praise thy name, O God, that we have peace and liberty given us by our rulers, that they are become the guardians of our religious and civil privileges, and that we can wait on thee, in public assemblies, and none can make us afraid. Pity thy poor scattered people, under the dominion of popish and idolatrous princes, thy distressed children, who can only groan and sigh unto thee in secret, and are forbid the pleasures of thy sanctuary. Heal the wretched quarrels, and scandalous divisions, that are found among the christian churches. Teach them the wis- dom which is from above, which is first pure, and then peace- able, and which abounds in the fruits of mercy and love. Re- form them all, blessed Saviour, and remove from among them, whatsoever is contrary to the nature and design of thy holy religion. O that such sacred advantages and seasons of grace, as I have this day enjoyed, may train up mysoul, under the aids of thy Spirit, to apreparation for the blessed assembly of saints and angels above ! with them I desire humbly to join my songs and my praises. Salvation, honour and glorybe ascribed to our God who sits upon the throne,' and to the Lamb for ever and ever: Anzen. The Young 'Person's Grace before Meat, when alone. Almighty God, the Maker and the Lord of all things, thou openest the stores of thybounty, and providest my daily food May thy blessingattend it, that I may be nourished to do thee service and honour ; and may! enjoy thy special love amidst the common blessings of thy providence, for the sake of Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.' The Young Person's Grace after Meat, when alone. I acknowledge, thy great goodness, O Lord, in feeding me with food convenient for me, in giving me the means of grace, and the hopes of glory : Let me walk before thee in thy fear and love, answerable to thy present mercies and any eternal hopes for Christ's sake. Amen. The Young Person'' Grace before Meat, in. Company. Most merciful God and Father, though we are utterly un- worthy of the least of thy favours, yet thy bounty is still furnish-. ing us with'the'daily supports of life: Let us always eat and drink with moderation and temperance; and let us be trained up by the blessings of .thy providence, and the assistances of thy grace,' till we are made fit for thy glory, for the sake of Jesus our only Mediator. Aìnen. The Young Person's Grace after Meat, in Company. What sufficient thanks can we render to thee, O Lord, for the daily benefits of this life, and for the promises and hopes of