354 PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. childrenhave been, to their great disadvantage, in this world, and the danger of their souls, in the world to come. O suffer me not to abuse this part of knowledge, and to waste my time in readingvain and idle stories, or foolish and wicked jests, but let me delight to read thy word, and books of useful knowledge, virtue and piety, that May turn to good account hereafter, for the sake of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. VII. In Writing. I acknowledge thy goodness, O Lord, that I bave learned to handle the pen of the writer : Let it be a pleasure to me to set down what I remember of thy word, when thy ministers preach to us the gospel of Christ. And do thou instruct me, bow towrite down my sins and thy mercies, that I may not for- get what thou hast done for me, and what I have done against thee. Suffer-me not to abuse my pen, and defile it, by writing what is profane, wanton or wicked : But let this skill, which thou hast given me, be sanctified; that it may turn to thy glory, and my good, for Christ's sake. Amen. VIII. In Arithmetic. OGod, whose knowledge is infinite, and whose mercies are innumerable, if thou givest me any skill in the art of numbers let me use it, with care and exactness, with faithfulness and ho- nesty ; and let me never commit such mistakes, as to do injury to myself or others. Above all, as teach me, for Christ's sake, so to number my days, and to consider how short my time is, that I may apply my heartto true wisdom," and prepare for that eternal state, whose years cannot be numbered. omen. XI. In Singing. Since thou givest me opportunity, O Lord, to learn this delightful art of singing, let no wicked songs ever pollute my lips ; let my memory be furnished with " psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; that I may make melody to thee, with grace in any heart," and at the same time refresh my own spirits : And while I glorify my God, with my tongue on earth, let me grow daily, fitter to sing the songs of paradise. f' Saláation, honour and glory to God the Father, who sits upon the throne, and to Jesus the Lamb of God, for ever and ever." Amen. X. In any Work. Great God, who art " wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working," thyword has told us, that thou teuchest the hus- bandman to open and to break the ground with his plough, to sow his seed, and to gather and thresh -out his corn. I praise thee, who givest me also knowledge and capacity to perform any useful business in this life. May my hands be never en= gaged in the service of sin or Satan, nor let me delight in sloth