PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 353 and idleness, lest I be exposed to the temptations of :the devil. Strew me how I may be always employed in something service- able to God or myself, or my fellow-creatures ; and may all my labours be attended with thy blessing, for the sake of -Jesus Christ. Amen. XL On taking any Recreation, Gracious God, thou knowest how frail our natures are, and that sometimes we need to have our spirits and our limbs re- freshed, in this manner, in our childish -state : Guard me, O Lord, from sin amidst my sports, and let me set a watch over nny words and actions, that I. may not offend thee; or hurt any of my fellows, nor waste too much of my time in sporting. May this, and every recreation, tend to the health of my body, and render me, afterward, fitter for every duty, for Christ Jésus' sake.. Amen. XII. On Sènsihle Improvement in Stature. I praise thee, O heavenly Father, that I enjoy such a mea- sure of health, and that thou makest me grow toward the state of a man, (or woman) in this world. Suffer me not to continue still a child in understanding, nor let my soul decay in the things Of religion, whilemy body increases in stature. But, through the aids of thy grace, let me do as my blessed Saviour did, while he was a child here on earth ; let me grow in stature, and wisdom, and in favour with God and man : Now he dwells in heaven, above men and angels : To him be glory for ever and Over. Amen. XIII. Upon leaving off" Old Garments, and putting on New. As I now put off my pid garments, because I have worn . them long enough, so help me, O Lord, to put off my follies and sins, because I have lived in them too long already. And as new raiment is prepared for my body, so let my soul be re- newed after thy image, and let me ne clothed with righteousness and true holiness. Let me remember also, that I must ere long put off this body, like an old garment, and leave it in the grave : O may my soul be prepared then to put on the robes of glory, that thou hast prepared for them that love thee, that I may dwell with thee,' in thy kingdom, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. XIV. Another on the same Occasion. I thank thee, O Lord, who providest for me change of. raiment : Though I am drest in new apparel, suffer one not to be proud of it ; nor let me think better of myself because I am finer than Iwas, or because my clothes make a better spew than some Of my fellows : Teach me, OLord, that knowledge and good- ness are the best adorning, and let me seek to excel other's in these things, that I may be more lovely and pleasing in thy sight, for the sake of my blessed Saviour. Amen.