Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

358 PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. XV. On going a Journey. Preserve me, O Lord, in all my ways, and wheresoverI go, guard me with thy hand, that no evil may befal me. All places are under thy eye, and I desire, every where, to remem- ber that God-sees me. Make my present journey pleasant and comfortable, and let me consider, that I am always travelling, through this world towards death and eternity ; and when the journey of my life is ended, let me arrive at tite gates of heaven, and he admitted there for Jesus' sake. Amen. XVI. After a Safe Journey. Praise is due to thee, O my God, my guide and my pre- server. Thou hast made my travels easy and safe ; thou hast sent thy holy angels to guard me, in all my ways, and thy kind providence has watched over me, to defend me frommischief. Thou hast kept all my bones, not one of them is broken. Thou art the God of my life, my safety and my comfort; to thy name be everlasting honour. Amen. XVII. .Enquiring after a Trade m Profession. Lord, since thou hast appointed every one to be engaged, in some business, in this world, direct my friends to chuse a proper employment for me. Does not thy word inform me, that several of thy apostles were fishermen, that Paul was a maker of tents, and even thy holy child Jesus, was called acarpenter ? I would also be employed in some honest labour or business. Let my heart be inclined to that calling, which may be most for my benefit in this world, and may at the same time be no hin- derance to me in the things of religion, and in my way to hea- ven. Thou knowest, O Lord, it is a matter of great impor- tance; help me to considerthat it is a choice for the whole course of my life ; counsel me by thy wisdom, and let thy providence determine every thing for thy honour and my advantage, for the sake of Jesus Christ thy Sou. Amen. XVIII. For a Child or Youth in Apprenticeship. Let thy presence be with me, most gracious God, in the station and family where thou hast placed me. Keep me from the many snares and temptations, that attend youth on all sides, in this sinful age. Let me set a daily watch upon all my ways, that I may not offend thy Majesty. -Make me first faithful to God, and then to my master, even when I am not in his sight : Let me so fill up every part of my time, and manage the con- cerns intrusted with me, in such a manner that I may not be afraid to be called to account. And grant, O Lord, that I may be so well acquainted with the proper business of my calling, and find such favour in the sight of men,. that I may hereafter, become more useful in the world, and glorify thee in my follow- ing course of life, for the sake of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.