3äÉ3 PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. in this world : Help me to remember that Jesus Christ, thy well- beloved Son, was willing to be born and brought up in a poor and mean condition : and let me not be impatient of that state which our Saviour himself endured, " who, though he was rich, yet made himself poor for our sakes. Save me, I pray thee, from the temptations which attend poverty : Let me not envy the rich, nor grow uneasy, because I see other chil- dren better fed and better clothed than I am. I would bless thee, from my heart, for that thou providest any food and rai- ment for nie, to keep me from hunger and cold. Suffer me not to covet what belongs to others, and much less to put forth my hands to the money, or goods, of my neighbour, tosteal or pilfer frets) him. Make me'contént under my circumstances, and dili- gent in my daily learning or work : nor let me ever want what is necessary to support my life. The less I have here on earth, snake me themore careful to seek after a treasure in heaven, and bring nie safely in thy time to the possession of it, for Christ's sake. Amen. XXII. For Children in middle Circumstances. What abundant reason have I, O Lord, to honour thy wis- dom, and the goodness of thy providence, that thou hast placed site and my father's house in the middle circumstances of this life ; that I am not possessed of so great riches, as might make me grow high-minded and forget Cod ; and that I am not so poor, as to lie under any temptation to steal, in order to provide me food or raiment, While I behold other children richer than I, let this make me humble : While I see others poorer than I, let this make me thankful : Enable me; O .Lord, to mind the daily business and labour of life, to which thou tallest me, and to do good to others as far as I am capable. Carry me safe, through all the dangers of this world, till I am prepared for a better state, in the world to come, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen. XXIII. For a Child or Youth at Service. It is thy good pleasure, O Lord, that I should become a servant to others in this world ; but let me always remember, that my first and chief business is to serve and please thee. Make me diligent and faithful in the work that is appointed me, even when my master and mistress are absent ; and let me neither do them wrong, nor consent to it, nor conceal any wrong that is done to them. May I behave myself in sohumble, so wise and so.becoming a manner toward all, that I may gain the love and esteem of all that know me, and be at last approved of thee my Maker and my Judge, and be accepted unto eternal life, for the sake of Christ my Saviour. Amen. XXIV. A Prayer against natural Fears. Blessed God, who art the guard and defence of those that