PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 359 love thee, deliver me from this weakness of nature, this vain and foolish fear, which so often disquiets me. Do I not read in thy word, that " the righteous is bold as a lion ?" And I hope I am willing to be made righteous, and to do the will of God : why then would I be afraid ? Hast not thou invited those that are fearful toput their confidence in thee ? Help me to fear thee, and to trust in thee, and then I need not fear, what any creature can do against me. Wheresoever I am, let me believe that God is withme, and let me not be afraid of all the powers of darkness, nor of death itself, since Jesus Christ my Saviour has subdued them all : To whom be glory and praise everlasting. Amen. XXV. Against Frowardness, Obstinacy, and other Vices of Children. OGod, who art the fountain of all wisdom and goodness, thou hast made me a reasonable creature, and though I am but a child, I pray that reason may direct all my actions. Let not foolish humours and idle fancies rule and govern me, but let all my desires, and all my passions be subject to reason. Grant that I may never be uneasy or fretful at the happiness of others, nor rejoice in any mischief that befals them. Suffer me not to be froward or peevish, quarrelsome or spiteful among my fellows Make me meek and humble, and let me rather yield in many things, thancontend by angry words or blows : HI am injured, let me not revengemyself, but make my complaint to those who are set over me. Nor let me ever be obstinate and sullen to my parents and governors, but always hearken to advice, and obey those who are wiser than I. May I grow in wisdom and good- ness, as I grow in years ; may I ever act as becomes a creature of reason, a child of God, and a follower of Jesus Christ, his best-beloved Son, whom I desire to love, and honour, and imitate, here on earth, and be made like him for ever in heaven. Amen. XXVI. After some particular and grievous Sin. OLord Jesus my Saviour, whither should I gobut to thee, who earnest down t'om heaven to seek and save lost sinners ? I have broken the las of God, and have sinned grievously against my conscience : But I desire to be ashamed before thee, and to have may heart broken under asense of my folly. O that I might be reconciled to God by the virtue of thy bloody death and thy prevailing intercession ! Accept, O Lord God, a repenting sin- ner ; forgive all my offences, and particularly this new transgres- sion, and make roe very watchful for time to corne. Keep me by thy grace from repeating my trespasses, and preserve me to thy heavenly kingdom for Jesus' sake. Amen. XXVII. After some serious Impressions in a Sermon. I bless thy naive, O Lord, who hast made thy word reach'