PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. $83 who grow up in wickedness ; that I have not been bredup in families where the dreadful voice of swearing and cursing is heard ; but that my dwelling has been where the name of God is honoured, and his worship isperformed. How shall I answer it, OLord, if I abuse such advantages, and forsake the ways of God ! Grant me thy grace, that Imay learn the lessons of holi- ness and goodness, which are taught me by the instructions, and the example of my parents, [or friends] and lead me in those ways to everlasting life, for the sake of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who reigns at thy right-hand for ever and ever. Amen. XXXVII. Thanksfor the Continuance of theLife of Parents. My soul desires to praise thee, Omost merciful Father, that thou hast not only given me such parents, who have been care- ful to provide for me what I want, but that thouhast lengthened out their life so long, till they have seen me thus far advanced in my education : I bless thee from myheart, that thou hast not mademe a fatherless child, nor taken away my mother in my infancy ; but that I have had so many wise instructions, so many kind proofs, and so many serious counsels and warnings from them, during all my years of childhood and folly. While other unhappy children have been early deprived of their parents, by death, and been exposed to many hardships and dangers, I have enjoyed the long continuance of this invalu- able blessing. O Lord, preserve their lives yet longer ; forgive all my offences against them and against thee ; bless them with thy choicest favours, and crown their cares and their prayers on my account, with thy grace here, and thy glory hereafter, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. XXXVIII. Prayer for Conversion of the Heart to God. Most holy and most merciful God, I desire to lie humbly at thy foot, because I was born in sin, and I feel evil inclinations working daily within me ; let my sinful heart be changed by thy Holy Spirit, and let holy dispositions be wrought there. Let all my old evil affections and desires be done away, and make me a new creature, that I may lay aside childish follies and vanities, and become truly religious in myyounger years. Give me sincere repentance for all my past transgressions, and a hatred of every sin for time to come, that being converted to God betimes, I may begin early to love and honour thee here, and be prepared for thy heavenly kingdom, for the dear sake of thy beloved Son Jesus, in whom is all my trust, and towhom be everlasting honour. Bnzen. XXXIX. For better Ability to Pray. Blessed Lord, most high and most holy, who dost not de- spise the language of children, but delightest to see them coming to bow before thy throne, and to seek thy favour: O may thy Aa 2