$64 PRAYERS FOR CIIILDREIS. Holy Spirit instruct me to pray, and blessall my endeavours to learn and practise this ddty. Let me know and adore thy majes- ty, and thy mercy : Shew me my sins, and help me to confess them,: Give me a deep and hearty sense of my wants both for soil and body, and enable me to express them before- thee : Assist me to plead with thee for mercies, and to trust in thy love. Raise my heart to thankfulness for all the blessings I receive, and teach we to offer the sacrifice of praise : Let the name of Jesus be my hope, who pleads in heaven, for such poor children as I am, even when they know not how to pray for themselves. I desire to honour and love him, and give him everlasting praises. Amen. Of the Lord's-Pra ie . It is sufficiently evident to me, that the Lord's prayer was given to the disciples, in the beginning of their christianity, part- ly as a form of prayer for their daily use, and partly as apattern for their imitation in those early days : But since it contains in it scarce any of the peculiar revelations of the New Testament, I am persuaded it was never designed to be a full and sufficient form or pattern after the resurrection or ascension of Christ, and the more complete revelation of the gospel. Yet because it has been usual to teach it as a prayer for children, I have here para- phrased it according to the further discoveries made by Christ and his apostles in the New Testament. XL. A Paraphrase on the Lord's-Prayer. Most mérciful Father, who art in heaven, and who seest all things that are done on earth, let thy name be hallowed, by all thy creatures, and let me ever carry it towards thee as a great and holyGod : May thy kingdom come, and be set up more uni- versally in this world, by the preaching of thy gospel : May all nations submit themselves to thee and to thy Son Jesus Christ : Let thy Spirit rule in the hearts of men, and thy will be done among us on earth, as it is among the angels in heaven Give me this day my daily bread, and every day of my life bestow on me those things, which are necessary to maintain my health and strength, that I may be more capable of serving thee : Forgive my trespasses, which I have committed against thee, for the sake of the death and intercession of thy dear Son, and enable me from the heart to forgive those who have trespassedagainst me. Lead me not into temptation, nor let me run carelessly into dan- ger of sinning, but deliver me from the evil one, and from all his devices to defile and destroy my soul : For the kingdom and government of all things belong thee : Thou has power to do whatsoever I ask : And all honour and glory are thy duefor ever and ever. Atnen.