CHAPTER I. -380 of the Lord, and from his father's family where God was work .shipped ; Gen. iv. 16. 36. Q: What were the posterity of Cain ? A. some of them were famous for inventions of music and handicraft- trades, but they are supposed to have neglected religion ; Gen. iv. 20, 22. 37. Q. What other son had Adam ? A. Seth, who was horn soon after the death of Abel, and several others after him; Gen. iv. 25. and v. 4. 38. Q. Did the children of Seth neglect. religion ;too ? A. Religion was publicly maintained fór some generations in Seth's family, for they distinguished themselves from the wicked sons of men, they prayed to God, and were galled the sons of God; Gen. iv. 26: and vi. 2, 4. 39. Q. Did they grow degenerate afterwards ? A. All man- kind grew so wicked, except a very few, that God saw it proper tomanifest his righteous government, and his anger against sin, by destroying them ; Gen. vi, 5, 6, 7. 40. Q. Who were some of the chief persons of Seth's posterity mentioned in scripture in those times ? A. Enoch and Methuselah, .Lamech and Noah were the most remarkable. 41.. Q. Who was Enoch ? A. The man who walked with God, and pleased him in the midst of a wicked world, and foretold the judgment of God on sinners; Gen. v. 22. Jude 14, 15. Note, When Enoch and Noah are said to walk with God, some learned men have supposed, that it does not only sig- nify that they behaved themselves always as in the presence of God, and conversed with him by meditation and prayer, and walked in his ways, but that God appeared of old to these pious men as he did to Abraham, and walked and con- versed with them in a bodily form ; and this was the original of that phrase, walking with God, to signify the practiceOf religion. 42. Q. What became of Enoch ? A. God took him to heaven without dying, as a peculiar favour and honour done to hire ; Gen. v. 24. Heb. xi. 5. 43. Q. Who was Methuselah ? A. The son of Enoch, and the oldest man that we ever read of; Gen. v. 21. 44. Q. How long did he live ; A. Nine hundred and sixtynine years ; Gen. v. 27. 45. Who was Lamech ? A. Noah's father, who prophe- sied of the blessing that the earth should find in his son, which had been laid under a curse for the sin of -Adam Gen. v. 29.