404 A SHORT VIEW OF SCRIPTURE HISTORY. Note. When Moses had received full orders for making this tabernacle, he came down from Mount Sinai, and found the people had been guilty of idolatry in making a golden calf: Then it is said, He took the tabernacleand pitched it without the camp, and afar from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of congregation : And every one that sought the Lord, went out to this tabernacle.' This is supposed to be a little occasional ta- bernacle, made like a small chapel for present worship ; for God resided there at the door of it in the cloudy pillar, and Moses went into this tabernacle and talked with God there ; Ex. xxxiii. 6, 7, &c. But when the great tabernacle was finished according to God's appointment it stood not without the camp, as appears in the following question. 27. Q. Where did the tabernacle stand when it was reared up ? A. It stood within a large space of ground which was cal- led the court of the tabernacle, one hundred cubits long, and fifty cubits broad ; Ex. xxvii. 9-18. And all the tribes pitched their tents round it ; Num. ii. 28. Q. Howwas tite court of the tabernacle inclosed ? A. It was inclosed by a row of pillars Ian each side with curtains reaching from pillar to pillar ; Ex. xxvii. 9-18. and xl. 33. 29. Q. How was the tabernacle covered ? A. With four veils or curtains; one of fine linen, one of goat's hair, the third was made of the skins of rams dyed réd, and the fourth or outermost of badger skins to endure the weather ; Ex. xxxvi. 1 -14. 30. Q. Into what rooms was the tabernacle divided ? A. Into the holy place where the priests entered to minister daily, and the most holy place wherenone but the high-priest entered, and that but once a-year ; Ileb. ix. 6, 7. 31. Q. Howwas the holy place divided from the most holy ? A. By a curtain or veil of fine linen with various colours embroidered with cherubs, and hung on four pillars overlaid with gold; Ex. xxvi. 31, 32, 34. 32. Q. What was the temple? A. Amost glorious build- ing of stone and timber raised nearfive hundred years afterwards by king Solomon instead of this moveable tabernacle ; 1 Chron. xvii. 5, 11, 12. 1 Kings vi. 1, 2. 33. Q. But besides these holy places, viz. the tabernacle and the temple, was not Jerusalem called the holy city ? A. Yes, because God appointed the tabernacle in David's time to be removed to mount.Zion, and because the templewas built by Solomon on mount Moriah, both which are included within the city Jerusalem ; Nehem. xi. 1. -2 Chron. iii. 1. and 1 Kings viii. L SECT. IV. Of the Holy Things. 34. Q. What were the holy things ? A. There was a great