.122 A SItORT VIEW OF SCRIPTURE IIISTORY. 6. Q. Mow was the murmuring punished ? A. God gave them the flesh of quails in abundance, and sent the plague with it ; Num. xi. 31, 33. 7. What was the third of their remarkable sins ? A. Being discouraged by the spies who searched out the land of Canaan, and brought an ill report on that promised land, they were for making a captain to return to Egypt ; Num. xiii. 32. and xiv. 3, 4, 36. 8 Q. Ilow was lids rebellion chastised ? A. Ten of the spies died immediately of a plague, and all the people were con- demned to wanderforty years in the wilderness, till all those who were above twenty years old should die by degrees in their travels; Nun. siv. 20-37. 0. Q. Who of the spies were saved ? A. None but Caleb and Joshua, who followed the Lord fully, and gave agood account of the land of promise ; Num. xiv. 6, 23, 24, 37, 38. and xxvi. 65. 10. Q. What was their fourth remarkable sin ? A. When Korah, Dathan and Abiram stirred up a rebellion against Moses and Aaron '; Num. xvi. 1 -11. 11. Q. What was the occasion of this rebellion of Korah, and his companions ? A. They pretended that all Israel were holy, and that Aaron and his family had no more right to the priesthood than they ; and that Moses took too much upon him to determine every thing among them ; Num. xvi. 3, 10. 12. Q. Howwere Korah, Dathan and Abiram punished A. Theyand their families were swallowedup by an earthquake*, and their two hundred and fifty companions were burned by a fire which came out from God ; Verses 31, 35. and when the congregation murmured against Moses and Aaron for the death of these sinners, God smote above fourteen thousand of them, and they died of the plague ; Verses 41-50. 13. Q. What miracle did God work to shew that he had chosen Aaron's family to the priesthood ? A. He bids the heads of the people chose twelve rods for the twelve tribes of Israel, and write Aaron's name uponLevi's rod, and lay them up in the tabernacle till the morrow : At which time they took each man his rod, and Aaron's rod blossomed and yielded almonds ; Num. xvii. 2 -6-10. 14. Q. What was done with this rod of Aaron ? A. It was laid up in the ark to be a lasting testimony against these rebels ; Verse 10. and to confirm Aaron's right to the priest- _ hood. 15. Q. What was the fifth remarkable sin of the people ? A. They múrmured because of the length of the way, and for want of better food than manna ; Nun. xxi. 4,5. * Yet ioNum. xxri. U. the s,ss of Korah are excepted.