682 A SHORT VIEW OF SCILIFTÚIt$ HISTOR. 75. Q. What was the next step taken by the high-priests and elders to condemn Paul, and how did Paul defend himself? A. They went down to Cesarea and laid their accusation before Felix : But Paul defended himself by declaring; " he believed Me law and the prophets," nor was he guilty Of profaning the temple, or raising a tumult, nor of any thing of which they aC- cused him ; Acts xxiv. 1 -21. 76. Q. What did Felix determine concerning hitn ? A. Felix only kept him as a prisoner ; for he saw no reason to con demn him, and often discoursed with him, hoping that Paul; or his friends would give him a good bribe for a release ; Verses 22-28. 77. Q. Had Paul's discourses any good effect upon Felix A. Once as he spoke concerning faith in Christ, and reasoned of righteousness, temperance and judgment to come, Felix tremb- led, and bid Paul retire, till he had a more convenient season to hear him further ; Verses 24, 25. But he kept him prisoner still toplease the Jews ; Verse 27. 78. Q. Did the high-priests.and elders entirely drop their accusations against Paul ? A. Two years after this, Festus was made governor in the room of Felix, and the Jews went to Cesarea and laid in grievous complaints against him ; Acts xxiv. 27. and xxv. 2. 79. Q. How did Paul come off here before Festus ? A. He utterly denied the charge of the Jews, and when Festus would have had him go up to Jerusalem to be judged of these matters, as the Jews desired, in hopes to kill him by the way, Paul told Festus, that he knew very well he had done the Jews no wrong, that no man ought to deliver him up to the hands of the Jews; and therkforehe appealed to Cæsar; Acts xxv. 9-12. 80. Q. What occasion had Paul then to plead his cause again beforeAgrippa, who was the king of Galilee ? A. Agrippa, with his sister Bernice, came to make a visit to Festus ; upon which Festus, among other conversation, informed him that he was going to send Paul the prisoner to Cæsar, upon his appeal, and he would fain send to Cæsar a more particular account of the case; upon which Agrippa desired to hear Paul himself; Verses 13 -27. 81. Q. What was the substance of Paul's speech to Agrippa ? A. Paul knew that Agrippa was acquainted with the laws and customs of the Jews, and therefore he related before him, in brief, the history of his younger life as a Pharisee, his hatred of the christians, his being called by Jesus Christ from heaven, when be was on the road to.Damascus, and his preaching the resurrection of Christ and his gospel ever since ; which he main- tained to be all agreeable to Moses and the prophets ; Acts xxvi. 1 -23. 82. Q. What influence had this speech upon Agrippa ? A. Paul addressed king Agrippa, in so agreeable a manner, that