561 Á SHORT vow' Or SCRIPTURE ilISTOÀt4. Note, Here ends the history of thebook of scripture, called the Acts of the Apostles. What. remains is collected from the epistles of Paul. 92. Q. Since several of the epistles of Paul are said to be written from Rome, which are .those which he is supposed to write at this time ? A: Those to the Philippians, Ephesians; Colossians, and to Philemon' ; and he tells them heshall soon come to them : And about this time his bonds were manifest in all the plate, having continued there so long; Phil. i. 13. 26. Eph: vi. 30. Col. iv. 16. Philem. ix. 22. 93. Q. When he was released from prison at Rome, hither did he go ? A. Into several countries both of Europe and Asia, preaching the gospel, and confirming the christiait converts. 94. Q. Who attended and assisted him in his ministry and his travels ? A. Sometimes Tychicus, or Timothy; sometimes Titus, Demas, or Luke, Silas, or Trophimus, whom he left sick at Miletum, when liewent again to Rome. See 2 Tim. iv. 10-12. 95. Q. What became of him when he came the second time to Rome ? A. He was cast into close prison, and when he made his first defence; all men forsook hire' ; and Alexander, the copper-smith, did himmuch hurt ; 2 Tim. iv. 14-16. 96. Q. Did lie finish his life and labours here ? A. He now tells Timothy, that the time of hisdeparture is at,hand, and he was just ready tobe offered up, when he wrote the second epistle to him from Rome; 2'l'im. iv. 6. And whenhe had, both laboured and suffered more than any of the apostles, as he himself had told us ; 1 Cor. xv. 10. 2 Cor. xi. 23, &o. he was beheaded, as a martyr for Christ; under the reign of Nero, Emperor of Rome, as the ancient historians inform us. Note, Mydesign in writing this summary of scripture his- tory, by way of question and answer, was chiefly for the easier instruction of the younger part of mankind, and not so much for the improvement of the learned ; for which reason I have not been solicitous to trace out with a critical and chronological accu- racy, every step of the travels of Paul ; nor relate how oftenhe went to Jerusalem, and other cities, in repeated voyages and journeys ; but only to point out his most remarkable travels, and sutferinms.. A more exact account is drawn up, withgreat labour and skill, by a learned writer, in his book, entitled, "Miscel- lanea Sacra," Vol. I. to winch Iwould refer those who desire a fuller information of this matter. The principal thing I had in view from the beginning to the end of this work, was to set down some of the most necessary, and the most important matters of fact recorded in scripture amongst . which, 1 have chosen out those; which would be most -entertaining to younger minds, anil would make the deepest and