H. QUESTIONS. 580 Here will come in the duties of a magistrate, a father, as master, &c. a subject, child, a servant, &c. a neighbour, a friend, a brother, &c. What are the chief motives to engage us to practise these duties, drawn from reason and from scripture. What are the chief parts of divine worship ? What is prayer? and in whose name, and by whose aid must it be performed ? When may forms of prayer be lawful, and when hurtful ? Is there any sabbath, or a day of rest and worship continued under the gospel ? and how is it proved ? What are the christian sacraments ? Are they signs, or seals, or both ? What is the nature and design of christian baptism ? May infants be baptized ? and why ? Is immersion of the wholebody necessary ? Is the Lord's-supper an expiatory sacrifice ; or is it merely amemorial of Christ's death? or is it rather a sign and seal of the covenant of grace ? Is it to be administered to persons who make a mere verbal profession of Christ, without some evidences of conversion and repentance? What is the church of Christ both invisible and visible ? Universal and particular ? In what manner is a visible church to be formed and go- verned in general ? And what are the chief officers in it ? How are the members of the church to be punished, if they are refractory against the community, or against the laws of Christ ? What will be the conclusion of all these dispensations of God towards men ? How may the last judgment-day be proved as a thing certain ? How is the resurrection of the body to be evidenced ? Does the soul sleep at death till the resurrection ? or does it immediately enter into a state of happiness or misery ? What are the chief glories of heaven ? or what is the final happiness of the saints ? What are the chief parts of the misery of the wicked, in the world to come ? What are chief proofs of the eternity of future rewardsand punishments ? And, indeed, under every one of these heads, it is proper to enquire, what are the chief scriptures that are used to prove these doctrines. rp3