Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

.592 QUESTIONS peores FOR STUDENTS IN DIVINITY. Jews or Greeks, the necessity of repentance towards God, and faith in Christ Jesus ;" and that " there is no other name under heaven given whereby we may be saved ;" making this gospel oI Christ the subject of my ministry ? Acts xx. 21. Acts iv. 12. DoI " constantlyaffirm, that those, who have believed in Christ Jesus, should maintain good works, and follow after holi- ness, without which no man shall see the Lord ?" Tit. iii. S. Heb. xii. 14. Do teach those that hear me to " observe all that Christ has commanded us, nor shun to declare to them at proper sea- sons, the whole counsel of God ? Mat. xxviii. 20. Acts xx. 27. Do I preach the people, " not myself,, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and myself as their servant for Christ's sake i" 2 Cor. iv. 5. Do I in my study and my preaching " take heed to my doctrine and my exhortations, so that I may save myself and them that hear me ?" 1 Tim. iv. 16. Do I " watch overthe souls of men as one that must give an account, being solicitous that I may do it with joy and not with grief?" Hob. xiii. 17. SECT. II. Of diligence in the Ministry. Do I " give attendance to reading," meditation and study ? Do I read a due portion of scripture daily, especially in the New Testament, and that in the Greek original, that I may be better acquainted with the meaning of the word of God ? 1 Tim. iv. 13. Do I apply myself to these things, and give myself wholly to them, that my profiting may appear to all? 1 Tim. iv. 15. Do I live, constantly, as under the eye of the great Shep- herd, who is my master and my final judges and so spend my hours as to be able to give up a good account of them at last to him ? Do I not " neglect to stir up any of those gifts, which God has given me, for the edification of the church ? 1 Tim. iv. 14. and 2 Tim. i. 6. Do I seek, as far as possible, to know the state and the wants of my auditory, that I " may speak a word in season ?" Is. 1. 4. Is it my chief design, in chusing my subject and composing my sermon, to edify the souls of men ? Am I determined to take all proper opportunities to preach the word, in season and out of season, that is, in the parlour or the kitchen, or the workhouse, as well as in the pulpit ; and seek opportunities to speak a word for Christ, and help forward the salvation of souls ? 2 Tim. iv. 2. Do I labour to spew my love to our Lord Jesus, by " feed- ing the sheep, and the lambs of his flock ?" John xxi. 16, 17. Am I duly solicitous for the success of my ministry ? and