Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

IV. QUESTIONS. 596 do I takeall proper methods to enquire what effects my ministry has had on the soulsof those who hear me ? Where I find or hope the work of grace is begun' on the son], am I zealous and diligent to promote it ? SECT. 111. Of constant Prayer and Dependence. Do I " give myself to prayer, as well as to the ministry of theword ?" Acts vi. 4. Do I make conscience of praying daily in secret, that I may hereby maintain holy converse with God, and also, that I may increase in the gift of prayer ? Mat. vi. 6. Do I make it my practice to offer " prayers, supplications and intercessions for all men," particularly for our rulers, and for my fellow-labourers in the ministry, and for the church of Christ, and especially for those to whom I preach ? 1 Tim. ii. 1. Rom. i. 9, 10. Phil. i. 4. Do I seek by prayer, for divine direction and assistance in my studies, and in all my preparations for the public ? and do I plead for the success of my ministry, with God, in whom are all our springs ? Eph. iii. 14-19. Phil. i. 8, 9. Do 1 ever keep upon my spirit a deep sense of my own in- sufficiency for these things, that I may ever depend and wait on the power of Christ, for aid and success ? 2 Cor. ii. 16. and iii. 5.. and 2 Tim. ii. 1, SECT. IV.---Of Self-denial, Humility, Mortification and Patience. Do I endeavour to please all men for their good, and not make it my business to please myself? Rom. xvi. 2. but to be- 'come all toall, that I may win their souls, so far as is consistent with being true and faithful to Christ ? 1 Cor. x. 23. and ix, 19, 22.. Do I behave myself before men, f° not as a lord over God's heritage, but as a servant of all for Christ's sake ?" and do I treat them " not as having dominion over their faith, but as a helper of their joy ?" 2 Cor. iv. 5. and i. 24. Am I " gentle and patient towards all men, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves ?" 2 Tim. ii. 24, 25. Do f" approve myself, in all things, as a minister of God ; in much patience possessing my own soul," and having the go- vernment of my own spirit ? 2 Cor. vi. 4. Do I, as a ,Dan of God, whose business is heavenly, flee from covetousness and the inordinate desire of gain ; not seeking my own things, so much as the things of Christ ? 1 Tim. vi.10, 11. But " having food and raiment, have I learned, there- with to be content i" 1 Tim. vi. 8. Am I willing " to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ ?" 2 Tim. ii. 3. and am I learning to bear whatso-