Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

74 AN HUMBLL ATTEMPT, &C. IV. Youwho have given yourselves up to Christ by a so- lemn and public profession of his naine, and have joined your- selves to the Lord in his visible church, to partake of the special ordinances of the gospel, What do ye more than others? You have declared to the world in a solemn manner, that you have listed yourselves under the banner of Christ, that you have ta- ken up arms against sin anti every enemy of your salvation, and that you are become the disciples of the meek and holy Jesus, what have you done answerable to these solemn engagements, beyond those who have lived more at large, who have walked at a loose from all such sacred bonds ? The votes of God are upon you, and you have recognized your obligations to be the Lord's : have you had your conversation in the world like the covenated servants of Christ ? Have you kept yourselves at a distance from the defilements of the world, as a people purchased by the blood of the Son of God, and devoted to his faith and love ? Have you' learned to be meek and holy, and harmless, and full of compas- sion tq men, and zealous for the honour of God as Jesus your Master was ? Why doye call hire Lord and Master, ifyou prac- tise not the rules of his advice, nor imitate his divine pattern I You who have often joined in the public worship of God as your God through Christ Jesus your great Mediator, and what have you gained by all these seasons Of devotion ? Arc you brought nearer to God than others ? Are you made fit- ter after every such sacred season to join the worshipping assem- bly in heaven ? You who have often been partakers of the blessed institu- tion of the Lord's-supper, and by this means lie under powerful obligations and enjoy special advantages for holiness, what do you more than others ? His holy supper isprovided for the ex ercise and establishment of your faith on a crucified Christ: it is appointed for raising and inflaming your love to God the Father, in sending his Son to die for you, and to Jesus the Son in sub- mitting to death foryour sakes : it is designed to encourage and advance your everlasting trope, and your holy joy in the Lord ; and it is given you also to represent and to promote your union and love to all fellow-christians, and to lay you under the stron- gest and most solemn engagements to fulfil all the duties of Chris- tianity. Shall I entreat you to enquire into the frame of your hearts, and to look back on your behaviour in life? Are these holy and happy ends of so sacred an ordinance in any measure obtained by you in a higher degree than those who have no op- portunity to enjoy it, or no inclination to attend it ? Is your faith in a dying Saviour established so, that you can say, you will venture to live and die by thefaith of the Son of God ? Is your love kindled into a higher flame to him who died for you? Is your hope more confirmed ? Is your view of heavenly things