Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

102 -ART OF READING AND warrts4O, ter, and the sevententh verse. So B. IX. Sect. 24. signifies book the ninth, and the twenty-fourth section. Figures are also used to express the things following, namely, I. The order or succession of things, as 1st, 2d, 3d, 4tb, 10th, 39th; first, second, third, &c. 2. The fractions or parts of a thing, as 1 one half, Is one third part, á one fourth, or quarter, two thirds, I quarters, g five eighths, &c. S. The numbers ofaction, as See twice, ace thrice. 4. The size of books, 4to quarto, 8vo octavo, 12mo duodecimo or twelves, 2.4mo twenty-four. 5. The months, as 'Mr September, 8br October, 9br November, 10ór De- cember. TABLE XIV. .fl Table of Letters andother Mark used for whole Words in Money, Weights, In Money. in. Minute. 1. a pound, or 20 shillings Apothecaries YVeights and Mea- s. or f. a shilling or 12 pence sures. d. a penny, or 4 farthings Pound, or pint q. a farthing ; or thus, Ounce 4 One farthing 3 Dramor drachm Th halfarnny. Scruple Three farthings B gr. Grain 8l. 16s. 7d. I, Eight pound, six - teen shillings, and seven- I's. half pence farthing. sii. Two ounces Div. Scruples Common Weights V Measures, 3iss, One dram and a half gt. Drop C. an hundred weight m. Handful q. a quarter of an hundred ana. Equal quantity. a pound Numbers. oz. an ounce pwt. Pennyweight g 2 six more two, or six fu- gal. Hogshead creased by two. yd. Yard Gallon 6 -2 six less two, or six lessen- nl. Nail ed by two. mo. Month t'X2 six multipliedby two. d. Day O six divided by two. b. Hour 63+3 six is equal to three more three.