Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

131 THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE-OR THE TRINITY. so thoughtless and foolish, 'and our understanding is so feeble, so rash and giddy, that we are ready to commit mistakes in this so- lemn and important point. '1 Therefore the blessed God in great condescension has told us in his word, what are the peculiar glo- ries that belong to his nature; and the characters by which he will be known and distinguished from all that is not God. And since he his separated a people to himself,: and promised to give them the knowledge of himself,- in order to his glory and their own happiness, he has been so kind to them, and so faithful to his co- venant, as to mark out those distinguishing characters of god- head, by which he will be known, in a very evident manner ; "and that not in a single text ór- two, but in many places of holy scripture, that they may not thoughtlessly run into' hei- nous mistake, of ascribing godhead to any inferior- natures, and incur the dreadful penalties which his jealousy has threatened. PROP. VIIThe peculiar anddistinguishing Characters of God- head are those Names, Titles, Attributes, Works and Íforship, which God has assumed to himself in his Word, exclusive of any other being ; and izas either asserted them expressly to be- long only to himself, or left it sufficiently evident in his Word that they belong to him alone. Here I shall not insist on all the peculiar characters of god - head that may be found in scripture, but mention only a few, viz. such as in my opinion seem to carry the clearest evidence with them. The peculiar divine names are chiefly these two ; viz. the name Jehovah, and the name GOD, with some additional word of honour, as the true God, the great God, the mighty God, the onlywise God, God and none else, and God blessed for fiver. The peculiar divine titles are, the God of Abraham, the Lord of hosts, King of kings, and Lord of lords, thefirst and the last. The peculiar divine attributes are, omniscience, omnipo- tence, eternity and immutability. The peculiar divine works are, the creation and conservation of all things, the changing of the heart, and raising the dead. The last peculiar character of godhead, is divine worship. And, I think, thewords of scrip- ture where these characters of godhead are mentioned, will be most easily compared together, and set in the fairest light, if I refer them all to be cited under this next proposition. PROP. VIILYet these very Nantes, Titles, Attributes; Works and Worship, which are peculiar to God, -and incommunicable to another, are ascribed to Three by God himself in his. Word; which Three are distinguished by the Names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Qne can hardly react a leaf of scripture, especially of the New Testament, but we find some mention made of these three glorious agents, the Father, the Son and the holy Ghost: And