Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

126 THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Or THE TRIN1TY, from the very composition of the word, according to the opinion of the best Hebrew critics : For it signifies being itself, he who was, andwho is, and who shall be ; and therein seems to denote the eternity and the unchaugeableness of God, whose name is 1 am that I am ;" Ex. iii. 14. And answers to the description of God ; Rev. iv. 8. ", The Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come." But there are most express scriptures which prove the name Jehovah to- be inéommunicable; Ps. lxxxiii. 18. " Thou, whose naine alone is Jehovah, art themost high over all the earth." Is. arty. 5. " I am Jehovah, and there is none else, there is no God besides me." Is. xlii. 8. I am Jehovah, that is my name, and myglory will I not give to another." Here let it. be 'noted, for the benefit of the unlearned chris- tians, that where theword Lord is written in great letters in the OldTestament.[Loan] the word in the Hebrew is Jehovah; where it is written in small letters [Lord] it is some other word in the Hebrew, as Adon or Adonai, &c. except perhaps one or tivo places where the printer bath madea mistake. Now this . name Jehovah is ascribed to our Lord Jesus Christ, or the SonofGod ; Jer. xxiii. 6. The righteous branch that was to be raised unto David; was the promised Messiah or Christ. And " this is the name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness." It is evident that this name is not as- cribed to Christ as the naine Jehovah- Nissi, [the Lord is my banner] is given-to an altar ; Ex. xvii. 15. Or Jehovah-shalom; Judges vi. 24. [the Lord is peace.] Or as the name Jehovah shammah [the Lord is there] is given to a city ; Ezek. xlviii. 35. because it is possible in all those places that God the Father may be signified. But Christ must be the person meant in these words, whether -they be translated Jehovah our righteousness, or, Jehovah is our righteousness, for it is a promise concerning the times of the New Testament, where Christ is often described . as our righteousness, but God the Father is never described so; 1 Cor. i. 30. Christ Jesus is made unto us wisdom and righteousness. There are other places in the Old Testament where the name Jehovah is given to Christ upon this very account; Is., Alv, 24, 25. " Surely.shall one say, In Jehovahhave I righte- ousness and strength : In Jehovah shall all the seed of Israel be justified :" Which-in theiNesvTestament are thus interpreted; Rom. v. 18, .." By the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men to justification of life." 2:Cor.v.21. " Christ who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Christ is called Jehovah, Is. vi. 1, 9, 10. " I saw the Lord Jehovah sitting upon a throne, and be said, go and tell this peo-