Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

134 THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRIN -E OF *SE TRINITY. say merely,." I can search the heart and try the reins ;" " but, Lam he which searcheth the hearts, &c. using the very words of Jeremiah the prophet, as though he would have said, that very character of godhead belongs to me, I am that omniscient Being. 2. Omnipresence is a'distinguishing perfection of God, which implies the immediate presence of God in all places ; taking cognizance of, and managingall the affairs of his universal king- dom ; Ps. cxxxix. 7. " Whither shall I fly from thy presence ?' If I ascend up to heaven thou art there : if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there." And this is thecommon consola -_ tion that God gives to his people wheresoever they are ; " Fear not, for I amwith thee ;" Is. xli. 10. and xliii. 5, &c. And ho gives this encouragement to his people, and this terror to his eneinrres ; Jer. xxiii. 24. a0 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him ? saith the Lord : Do not I fill heaven and earth ? saith the Lord." And so does our Lord Jesus Christ fill heaven, and earthy and all things ; for the church is called " the body of Christ, and the fulness of him that filletli all in all." Eph. i. 23. Ile promises his presence with his people in the same divine lan- guage ; Mat. xviii, 20. " Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. " Mat« xxviii. 20. "Lo I atnwith you'always to the endof the world." The presence of the Lord Jehovah, both in heaven and on earth at the same time, seems to be intimated ;: Gen.. xix. 24. not the Lord (Jehovah) rained upon Sodom, and upon Gomorrah, brimstone and fire from the Lard (Jehovah) out of heaven. What has been said before concerning the appearances of Christ, as the angel of the covenant.to the patriarchs, makes it evident that the Jehovah on earth,. who had been a little before talking with Abraham about the . destruction, of Sodom, was our Lord Jesus Christ ::And since the ¡shut one Jehovah, he must he the same with Jehóvah in Heaven ; and this.is further confirmed by'a parallebtext ; John iii. 13; "And no man bath ascended, up to heaven, but,he that.cawe flown from heaven, even the Son of man twh1ch is in heaven." 3. Omnipotence, or almighty power, is another divine at- tribute that I stall name in this place. Almighty, is so peculiar a Character of godhead, that God takes it for his very title in above fifty places 'of theOld Testament. It is expressed in the hebrew by the word. °`tvt Shaddai,`.and in several places of the book of the Revelation by aav1oufazs Pantocrator in the greck. Now' our Lord:Jesus. Christ is this almighty wheresoever he ap, peered to the patriarchs in a visible form .under this name ; as to Abraham Gen. xvii. 1._to Jacob ; Gen. xxv. U. Gen. xlviii. 3. and perhaps it is he who speaks Rev. i. 8. and the apostle Paul tells us ; Ph 1. üï. 21. that " he has power to subdue all things to himself."