Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

PROPOSITIONXII. 16.1 three in:the word of God, as cannot possibly be ascribed to either. of the other two. There are such things attributed to the Father,; which cannot be attributed to the Son, or the holy Spirit : And again, there are such things attributed, to the Son, as cannot be- long to the Father, nor the Spirit : And suchthings are attributed to the Spirit,which cannot be ascribed either to the Father,or the Son : Of which I shall producea few instances. The Father is said to generate, or beget the Son. -Ps. ii. 7. 'I Thouart my Son, this day have Í begotten thee." Which is. applied to Christ ; Heb. i. 5. and chapter v. 5. Now this pater- nal act whatsoever it mean, yet it cannot be attributed either to theSon or the Spirit. The Son is called the " only begotten of the Father ;" John i. 14, 18. Which filial character cannot be ascribed to the Spirit, or the Father. The Spirit is said to be given by the Father to the Son ; John iii. 34. "God givethnot theSpirit by measure unto him." And Is. lxi. 1. " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me ;", which is applied to Christ ; Luke iv. 18. But what is said here of the Spirit, cannot be attributed to the Father, nor the Son. The Father sent the Son into the world to take flesh upon him, and tobe born, or made ofa woman ;" Johnvi. 38, 39, 40, 57. Gab iv. 4. But neither theFather nor the Spirit, are ever said to be sent to take upon them our nature, or the likeness of sinful flesh, as is expressed concerning the Son ; Rom. viii. 3. The holy Spirit is said to be sent from the Father, by our Lord Jesus Christ unto thedisciples ; Johnxv. 26. "When the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father." And Acts ii. 33. " The Son having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed him forth in his various gifts upon the apostles." . The diversity of characters and offices which are sustained, and fulfilledby the Father, Son and Spirit, in order to the salvation of sinners, are so many distinct personal titles properties, and actions attributed to them, whereby they are plainly distinguished from one another, as three personal agents. The Father sustains the character of the supreme Lord, and Governor of all things, in the economy of our salvation. He is represented in scripture as maintaining the rights of godhead and demanding satisfaction for theaffronts that are done thereto, your sins.: He purposes and appoints the scheme of our salvation its himself ; Eph. i. 9. He sends his own Son in the likeness of sznfultesh, to make satisfaction to his injured authority, and to theoffended dignity of godhead. The Son took flesh and blood, to do the will of the Father: I-Ieb. x. 5, 7. " A body hast thou prepared me : And lo, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God." It is the Son who dies to make atonement for sin, who rises again, and ascends to heaven as our high- priest, Vol. VI. L