Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

QUESTION it. 433 of the'gospel, that he spoke several things to them which were above their present apprehension ; the Spirit of God which was promised to descend upon them, was not only to bring to remem- brance the things that Christ had spoken ; but to give them a fuller understanding in the meaning of them. And as there were many things which Christ had to say to them, butforebore in his life-time, because they could not bear them yet ; Johnxvi. 12. So there were some things which he did speak to them in a more obscure manner, by hints and intimations, which they could not at that time bear in the full light and glory of a divine explication. But if we search the evangelical history, I think we shall find that they received and entertained the following sentiments concerning him :- 1. They firmly believed that he was sent of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself was witness to this their faith; John xvü. 8. " I have given unto them the words which thou gayest me, and they have received them, and they have believed that thou didst send me." 2. They were convinced thathe was the true Messiah ; John vi. 69. " We believe andare sure that thou art that Christ." 3. That he had a,peculiar and glorious relation to God, that he was the Son of the living-God, which primarily referred to the dignity of his person, and- oftentimes included in it also his character or Office as the appointed Saviour. This was the sub- stance of Nathaniel's confession ; John i. 49. Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel. This was also Peter's confession ; Mat. xvi. 16. Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God; which he spoke in the name of the rest, as Well as John vi. 69. where the same words are repeated. '4. They believed also that he had an existence before he came into this world. When the disciples told him, John xvi. 36. l`Ve believe that thouGamest forth fromGod; it is evident from the context that they did not only mean that he received his commission from heaven, and was sent by God to preach to the world ; but that lie had a being with the Father before he carne into this world, as he himself expresses it ; verse 28.F Came forthfrom the Father, and am come into the world; again I leave the world, and go to the. Father ; which they understood in the literal sense, without metaphors, as they themselves ex- press it : Now thou speakest plainly, and speakest no parable or metaphor; verse 29. And our Lord Jesus Christ in his testimo- ny concerning them, seems to make these two distinct articles of their belief, viz. his pre-existence and his mission ; John xvii. 8. They have known surely that 1 came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. 5. They believed also 'that God was in amost eminent and peculiar manner present with him, according to the multitude of `oL, vi. E s