454 QUESTIONS eONCERNING JESUS. Itere ateproper subjects for these federal transactions in thecove= pant of redemption before the foundation of the world. And a most glorious and divine covenant it was between the Father and the Son in this viewof things for the salvation of poor ruined man. Though this blessed soul of Christ were united immediately to the divine nature, yet God the Father might part with it, as it were, out of his own bosom, that is, divest it of heavenlyjoys and glories* by its 'own consent, without dissolving the union : God the Father might prepare a body for it, and send into dwell, in flesh and blood : God might inflict the, punishment of our sins upon this blessed soul of Christ incarnate, and afterwards give it a high exaltation, not only to the glory which it had with the Father before the world was, but to superior joys and glories as the reward of its sufferings, according to scripture; John xvii. 5. and Phil. ii. 9. And this blessed soul of Christ united to godhead, is a pro- per subject to enter into these articles, to acleept of the terms df this covenant of redemption, to consent to part with the bosom of the Father, &c. And thus Christ, when he came forth from the Father, and came into this world ; John xvi. 28. laid aside that glory which he had with the Father before the world was; John xvii. 5. and though he was rich, yet for our sakes he be- came poor; 2 Cor. viii. 9. And thus the Father and the Son manifest their transcendent love to poor rebel sinners in this federal transaction, this covenant of redemption before time be, gan, which is the foundation of all that was ever done in time toward the restitution of the posterity of Adam, to the favour and the image of God, and to everlasting happiness. Every thing coincides admirably well in this scheme, and answers the various expressions of scriptureon this subject, without straining the words by needless tropes and figures: ilt becomes so plain, that he that runs may read it, and every private Christian may understand these early grounds and foundatiotls 9f his hope, ADVERTISEMENT. Note, in a fewmonths will be published a large and more complete treatise on titis subject, viz. tt The pre-existent Soul of our Lord.Jesgs Çhrist. "* * Noie, This digesting of the soul of Christ of itsprimitive joys and glories does not require a dissolution of its union to the divine nature ; for the godhead may be still united, and yet unity influence the human soul in greateror less df. steer., and in varions manners, as to light, support, joy, glory, &c. according to different occasions and circumstances, which mum be exceeding different in a state of humiliation and of exaltation; and the manner and the degree of influence most always be determinedonly by the divine wisdom. This bath aeeupgblished, a?d ig eutitle4 'f the Gloryof Christ as God mao displayed.