'QUESTION V; 4ßi are one , Jöhn v.'3S, and xiv: 11: I am in the Father, ánd'the Father in me. But let it bealways remembered that our union tö God or Christ is but a mere faint shadow or resemblance of the union of Christ to. God the Father ; which vastly surpasses ours, and is of a superior kind. This union between Christ and God the Father is so near, so intimate, so peculiar, as gives occasion for the New Testament to cite and apply to Christ many passages out of the Old Testament: which relate to the God and Father of all. The names, the characters, the :properties, and the actions of the Father are given to Christ in several instances and forms of expression, whichare not true, nor can be admitted cou- corning our union to God. Though there be but one godhead, and one God, even the Father; 1 Cor.'viii.6. yet by the 'intimate union of the man Christ Jesus with this one godhead or divine nature which is in the Father, Christ is the LordJehovah; lie is God manifest in the flesh; 1 'l im. iii. 16. he is God over all blessed, for ever. ; R.om. ix. 5. which would be blasphemy to say concerning chris- tians. So Christ is he that searches the hearts and the reins ; ltev. ii. 23. Christis thealpha and omega, the first and the last; Rev: i. 11. What the Father cloth, the Son doth also in many respects : The Father created- all things, so did theSon : and what the Sonsloth,: the Father is said to do ; John xiv. 10. The Father that dtvelleth in me, he sloth the works. It may not be amiss here to transcribe a few verses from this chapter; John xiv. hi order to give us a clearer idea of this union andcommunion between the Father and Christ ; since it is the design' of our Lord in this place to instruct Thomasand Philip in the knowledge of God the Father and of himself; Johnxiv. 7 =1I. L0 If ye had-known me, ye would have known my Father also : And from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. S: Philip saith unto hito, Lord, show us.the Father, and it suffieeth us. 9. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been 'so long time with you, asid yet hast thou not known me, Philip ? He that bath seen me, -hath seen the Father ; and how sagest thou then, Shewus the Father ?- 10: Believest thou not, that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that 1 speak unto you, I speak not of myself: But the Father that dwelleth in me, he;doth the works: 1.1. Believe me that 1: am in the Father, and.the Father in me : or else believe me for the very works sake." Upon this scripture I beg leave to make these.three, remarks : . Remark 1. This is- not spoken concerning the union, the in. being, -or indwelling of any distinct divine natureof Christ, in the divinenature of the Father; but.ratherconcerning the union