Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

454. AN ESSAY ON THE. DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY. that every model and manner of explication of thisdoctrine hatlt some absurdity and inconsistency belonging to it. Now it would be certainly ofconsiderable service to the truth to exhibit some scheme, some manner of explication to the world, wherein it is fairly consistent with the reason of things and the language'of scripture, that the Son and Spirit may have communion in true godhead as well as the Father : And that though there be but one God, yet the divine names and attributes may be ascribed to the sacred three, as having communion in this one godhead. 4. This would be a glorious means of vindicating the pro. testant religion against the charges which are brought by. the papists, who tell us, that we refuse their doctrine of transubstan- tiation because it seems inconsistent to sense and reason, and yet we believe the doctrine of the Trinity which is chargedwith the same inconsistency. 'We often find fault with them for making the words mysteryand supernatural an asylum and refuge where- by to screen themselves from the chargeof a most absurdopinion, that is, " of bread becoming flesh, and yet retaining the proper- ties of bread at the same time." They in the like manner find fault with us for making.the same words mystery and supernatu- ral a refuge for ourselves, while we profess threedistinct persons in one God. I confess there are many things to be said, and that with great justice, to vindicate the conduct of protestant writers in the doctrine of the Trinity, which camnever serve to defend the popish doctrine of transubstantiation.: for one is a theme or sub- ject that concerns the deep things of the divine nature ; the other relates but to flesh and bread, which areobjects that fall entirely within thecompass of our senses and our reasoning powers ; and we can much better judge and determine what is and what is not a real inconsistency in the one than in the other. Yet after all it would be a vast advantage in the defence of our religion against the assaults of the papists, and it would vindicate christianity most gloriously in the eyes of Jews, heathens and all infidels, if we could find some plain,. easy, natural and obvious account of this matter how the sacred Three which are represented in scrip- ture under distinct personal characters have a communion in one pithead. 5. I add farther,, that if it were possible to exhibit a scheme of explication which should be so plain, so easy, so agreeable to the light of nature, and yet so happily correspondent with scrip- ture as to captivate the assent of the learned and unlearned at the, very proposal of it, what a glorious advantage would the church. of Christ obtain by this means towards its unity and peace ! What a blessed end would be put to those shameful, quarrels and contentions on this subject, that have in every age