Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

IISCOÙRSÉ .4zz Inquiry into the extensive Powers of his human Nature in its presentglorified State. SECTION I. Introduction. GOD united to man, 'and dwelling in a human body, is one of the mysterious glories of our religion. It was so without con- troversy amongst the primitive christians, as St. Paul acquaints young Timothy the evangelist; 1 Tim. iii. 16. Great is the mys- tery of Godliness, God manifest in the flesh. The union of the divine and human natures in the complete person of Christ the Mediator, is one of those sublime wonders which could never have been found out by the reason of man, and which were re- vealed slowly to the church in successive ages. There were types and emblems and glimpses of it in ancient days; but the fuller discovery of this mystery is reserved to adora the New Testa- ment. In these latter days we have a most evident and certain revelation made to us, that Christ Jesus the Mediator, who was of the seed of David according to theflesh, is God over all, bles- sed for ever ; Rom. ix. 5. Yet the glories that springfrom this sacred union are to bright to be all unveiled before us in the present state of infirmity. They are too vast and extensive to be received by the narrow- ness of our apprehensions, while our souls are confined in flesh and blood. The rays of godhead once broke through the human nature of Christ on the mount of transfiguratiòn, but the disci- ples were not able to bear them. It is by degrees we must gain acquaintance with this divine person; and as his divinity is all light and splendour, so his human nature, which is a creature, has doubtless in itself many peculiar excellencies and preroga- tives, that it might be fit to be so nearly allied to godhead with decency and honour. And doubtless also it has acquired most astonishing advancement both in power, capacity and glory by this sacred and admirable alliance, as well as by its present exal- tation in heaven. Themost necessary and important doctrines of the gospel concerning the person of Christ are plainlywritten in the Word of God, that the weakest christians may read and learn them, and be saved. These have been known and acknowledged by all true christians, in all ages of the church. But there are others also Of some importance, which are contained in scripture, and yet may not have been universally received among christians. Some of these perhaps have not been observed in our reading