Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

580 THE GLORY OF CHRIST .SS GOD -5tA t. a relief to us, if it supposed not this, that he particularly and dis- tinétly knew them ; and if not all as well as some, we should want relief in all, as not knowing whichhe knew, and which he knew not. And the apostle affirms this of his human nature, as was said, for he speaks of that nature that was tempted here below. As all power in heaven andearth is committed unto him as Son ofman, as the scripture speaks, so all knowledge isgiven him of all things done in heaven and earth, and this as Son of man too, his knowledge and power being of equal extent. He is the sun as well in respect of knowledge, as of righteousness, and there is nothing hid from his light and beams, which do pierce the darkest corners of the hearts of the sons of men ; he knows the sores and distresses of their hearts. 'Like as a looking-glass made into the forma of around globe, andhung in the midst of a robin takes in all the species of things done, or that are therein at once ; so Both the enlarged understanding of Christ's human nature take in the affairs of this world, which he is appointed to govern, especially the miseries of his members, and this at once.' The same author in his second volume in folio, book iii. page 95. has a large treatise upon the " Extensive Glories and Powers of Christ considered as God-man," wherein he exalts his human nature to a most amazingdegree. Mr. Baxter in his Annotations ón Phil. ii. 9. affirms, " God highly exalted him in the manhood in which he suffered, and hath given him greater dignity and honour and renown than any creature ever had ; that to his dignity and power all creatures should be subject, and angels and men and devils should by their submission respectively honour hisname." And in his Paraphrase on Heb. ü..9. " As his death was suffered in the common na- ture of man, so he died to bring man to glory with himself; and therefore this text may be well understood of the advancement of man both in Christ and in his church." Thus we find there are some learned writers of most of the sects and parties in the christian world who have declared themselves freely to embrace this opinion, and to believe the most extensive knowledge and power of the human nature - of Christ in his present glorified state.