Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.6

APPENDIX. 635 was this from everlasting, before he actually assumed the same nature : He must be the everlasting Father, representatively, by bearing the personage of God-man, afore his Father, and un- dertaking that relation. Chapter X. page 173. Col. i. 16. For by him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, 8,-c. all things were created by him andfor him. Page 177. His sub- servieney to God io the creation is set forth here in three parti- cles, f, avve in him, S. assrr by him, and as aevo, for him. I. In him, as the exemplary cause; that is, God set up Christ as the pattern of all perfection ; for so that human nature united and quickened by the godhead, must needs be even above the angels themselves; and he drew in scattered pieces in the rest of the creation, the several perfections met in that human nature as a pattern. And in man's creation this seems to have been considered by God in that speech, Let us make man accord- ing to our image ; that is,after that man who was to be united to God, whom we in our decrees have set up as the pattern and express image of the invisible godhead. 2. By him all things were created; he having been some way the instrument of the creation as he is Christ God-man anointed, as well as he is actually of redemption. And page 168. Christ is the medium of God's creation. Page 178. If he were at all to be made a creature, it was his due personal privilege to have been himself first made, and to have been God's instrument in creation, and to have uttered those words which were spoken by God, " Let there be light, let there be sun, moon, &c." even as it was his due when he assumed our nature, to have beetl filled with all that personal glory which he bath now in heaven. But for the accomplishment of other ends this was suspended, namely, that he might first become sin and a curse for us; so I say, it was his duc to have existed in hishuman nature first, and then as God's word and instrument, he should have created all things, as he wrought miracles when he was here on earth ; and though it was suspended for glorious ends, yet God gives hini the glory of creation virtually, that he created all things by hire, and by virtue of his incarnation. And in creating, to chew that by should have done it as his Logos, or Word to bemade flesh, he accordingly acts his part, as in Gen. i. 3. God said let there by light, which but for this very mystery needed not have been. Yea such seems to have been his subserviency to God herein, that John contents not himself only to have said, that all thingswere.madeby him ; but further adds, without him nothing was mode that was made. Chapter XI. page 180. Christ as God -man is the Creator of all things, proved by 1 Cor. viii. 6. One LardJesus Christ, by whom are all things, page 181. This is not attributed to hirn as man, singly considered ; nor is it a property of God con- sidered singly as God only., but as a wan who was one person