Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.7

DISCOURSE IX. 207 with a wishful eye, being for ever satisfied in the affluence of present joys. O glorious and happy state ! where millions of creatures who have dwelt in bodies of sin and pain, and have been guilty of innumerable follies and offences against their Maker, yet they are all forgiven, their robes are washed, and made white in the blood of Jesus, their iniquities are cancelled for ever, and there shall not be one stroke more from the hand of God to chasten them, nor one more sensation of pain to punish them.. Divine and illustri- ous privilege indeed, and a glorious world, where complete sanc- tification of all the powers of nature shall for ever secure us from new sins, and where the springs and causes of pain shall for ever cease, both within us and without us! Our glorified body shall have no avenue for pain to enter ; the gates of heaven shall admit no enemy to afflict or hurt us : God is our everlasting friend, and our souls shall be satisfied with the rivers of pleasure which flow for ever at the right -hand of God ; Ps. xvi. 11. AMEN.