Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.7

240 THE WORLD TO COME. " Besides, it is, O grave, 'a body that bath been sweetly embalmed by a virtuous, pious, peaceable conversation, by several inward openings and out - pourings of the Spirit of life, by much patience and meekness in strong trials and afflictions,: Receive it, and let it enjoy in thee, what was once deeply impressed on her own heart, and in a due season written out with her own hand, a sabbath in the grave : For thus also we find it recorded of our Lord and her Lord, that he enjoyed the rest of his last sabbath in the grave. " But we know thee, O grave, to be also a devourer, and yet we can freely deliver up the body into thee. There was in it a,contracted corruptibility, dishonour and weakness; take them as thy proper prey, they belong to thee, and we would not with- hold them from thee : Freely swallow them up for ever, that they may appear no more.' f° Yet know, O grave, there is in the body, considered as once united to such a soul, a divine relation to the Lord of life ; and this thou must not, thou canst not dissolve or destroy. But know, and even before thee, and over thee be it spoken, that there is a season hastening wherein we shall expect it again from thee in incorruption, honour, and power. " We now sow into thee in dishonour, but expect it again returned from thee in glory ; we now sow it into thee, in weak- ness, we expect it again in power; we now sow it into thee a a natural body, we look for it again from thee a spiritual body ; 1 Cor. xv. 42 -44. " And when thou hast fulfilled that end for which the prince of life, who took thee captive, made thee to serve, then chalt thou who hast devoured, be thyself also swallowed up ; for thus it is written of thee, O death, I will be thy plague, O grave, I will he thy destruction; Hos. xiii. 14. And then shall we sing over thee what also is written of thee, O death, where so now thy sting? O grave, where is now thy victory? 1 Cor. xv. 55. Amen." Note, A line or two is altered in this speech, to suit it more to the understanding and The sense of the present age.