DISCOURSE Iïli. 273' wrath to come, and points out to us the only effectual way to escape it. What Batt all the riches of the Indies do to relieve us under the guilt and distress into which sin had brought us ? What can the favour of princes,, and the flattering honours of the world do to rescue us from this danger ? What can the highest gust of sensuality, and the most exquisite delights of flesh and blood do to secure us against this overwhelming mise- sy? It is only the gospel of the blessed Jesus is our refuge and our safety from the tremendous destruction. " What are the heights, and depths, and lengths of human science, with all the boasted acquisitions of the brightest genius` of mankind ? Learning and science can measure the globe, can sound the depths of the sea, can compass the heavens, can mete out the distances of the sun and moon, and mark out the path of every twinkling star for many ages past or ages to come ; but they cannot acquaint us with the way of salvation from this long, this endless distress. What are all the sublime reasonings of philosophers upon the abstruse and most difficult subjects ? What is the whole circle of sciences which human wit and thought can trace out and comprehend ? Can they deliver us from the guilt of one sin ? Can they free us from one of the terrors of the Almighty? Can they assuage the torment of a wounded spirit, or guard us from the impression of divine indignation ? Alas, they are all but trifles, in comparison of this blessed gos- pel, which saves us from eternal anguish and death. " It is the gospel that teaches us the holy skill to prevent this worm of conscience from gnawing the soul, and instructs us how to kill it in the seed and first springs of it, to mortify the corruptions of the heart, to resist the temptations of Satan, and where to wash away the guilt of sin. It is this blessed gospel that clearly discovers to us how we may guard against the fire of divine wrath, or rather how to secure our souls from becoming the fuel of it. It is this book that teaches us to sprinkle the blood of Christ on a guilty conscience by faith, that is, by receiv- ing; him as sincere penitents, and thereby defends us from the angel of death and destruction. This is that experimental phi- losophy of the saints in heaven, whereby they have been released from the bonds of their sins, have been rescued from the curse of the law, and been secured from the gnawing wormand the devouring fire. " A. serious meditation of bell in its exquisite pain and sor- row, will inhance our value of the salvation of Christ, and wilt exalt our esteem and honour of the love of Gad, who has deli. vered us frein eternal death. If we will but appoint our thoughts to dwell a little on the terrors and vengeance from which the blessed Jesus has rescued us by his glorious undertaking, if we will stretch the powers of our souls, and survey the lengths,aud Vet.. sit.