Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.7

CHAPTER II. 42, needle is a simple body, being only made of steel ; but a sword or a knife is a compound, because its haft or handle is made of materials different from the blade. So the bark of Peru, or the juice of sorrel is a simple medicine : But when the apothecaries' art has mingled several simples together, it becomes a compound as diascordium or mithriddte. The terms of pure and mixt, when applied to bodies, are much a -kin to simple and compound. So a guinea is pure gold, if it has nothing but gold in it, without any alloy, or baser metal; but if any other mineral or metal be mingled with it, it is called a mixt substance or body. Substances are also divided into animate and inanimate. Animate substances are either animal or vegetable.* Some of the animated substances have various organical or instrumental parts fitted for a variety of motions from place to place,, and a spring of life within themselves, as beasts, birds, fishes, and insects ; these are called animals. Other animated substances are called vegetables, which have within themselves the principles of another sort of life and growth, and of various production of leaves, flowers, and fruit, such as we see in plants, herbs and trees. And there are other substances, which are called inanimate because they have no sort of life in them, as earth, stone, air, water, &c. There is also one sort of substance or being, which is com- pounded of body and mind, or a rational spirit united to an ani- mal ; such is mankind. Angels, or any other beings of the spi- ritual and invisible world, who have assumed visible shapes for a season, can hardly be reckoned among this order of compound- ed beings, because they drop their bodies, and divest themselves of those visible shapes when their particular message is per - formed, and thereby shew that these bodies do not belong to their natures. SECT. 1I1. Of Modes in their various Kinds and first of es -, sential and accidental Modes. THE nett sort of objécts which are represented in our ideas are called modes or manners of being.t A mode is that which cannot subsist in and of itself, but is always esteemed as belonging to, and subsisting by the help of s< Note, Vegetables as well at animals, have gotten the name of animated substances, because some of the ancients supposed herbs and plants, beasts, birds, 5 c. to have a sort of souls distinct from matter or body. Note, The term esule, is by some authors, applied chiefly to the relations or relative manners of being. But in logical treatises it is often used in a larger sense,, and extends to all attributes whatsoever, and includes the most essential . end inward properties, as well as outward respects and relations, and reaches -to actions themselves as well as manners of action. VOL. VII. sY