831 LOG/C: OR, THE RIGHT ÚRE OF REASON. Called Its nitre remote genus : so subslnnee ,is the remote ih, ennb of bird or beast, because it agrees not only to all kinds of animals, but also to things inanimate, as sun, stars, clouds, metals, stones, air, stater, &e. but animals is the proximate or nearest genus et bird, because it agrees to' fewer other things. Those gene:. tal natures which stand between the nearest and most remote fire Called intertnedirrte. Note, II. In universal ideas it is proper to consider their com- prehension and their extension.* The comprehension of an idea regards all the essential modes and properties of it ; so bialy in its cimprehensien takes in solidity, figure, quantitity, niobilîty, &c. Sti a botul, in its retnprthrnsl'ose, includes roundness, volubility, &e: The extension den universal idea regards all the particular kinds and single beings that are contained under it. Só a body io its extension, includes, sun; moon, star, woods iron, plant, auntie], &c. which are several species, or individuals; under the general name of body. So a bníel, in its extension, includes a wooden bowl, a .brass bowl, a white and black bowl,, a /many bowl, &c. and all kinds of bowls, together with all the particular individual bottle in.the world. Note, The comprehension of an idea is sometimes taken in so large a sense, as not only to include the.essential attributes, bnc all the properties, modes, and relations whatsoever, that belong to any being, as will appear, Chap. VI. This account of genus, and species is part of that famous doctrine of universals, which is taught in the schools, with divers other formalities belonging to it ; for it is in this place that they introduce diTerence, which is the primary essential mode and property, or the secondary essential mode, and accident or the aeeìtlentel mode ; and these they call the five predicables, because every thing that it atrirmed concerning any being must be either the genus, the species, the derence, some property, some occi- dent: but what farther is necessary to be said cm-teeming these things will be mentioned when we treat of definition. Having finished the doctrine of universal and particular ideas, I should take notice of another division of them, which also bath respect to Their objects and that is, they are either real or tmagzstary. Deal ideas, are such as have a just foundation in nature,_ and !lave real objects or examples, which did, or do, or may actually exist, according to the present state arid nature of things; such are all our ideas of long, broad, swift, slow, wood, iron, Men, horses, thoughts, spirits, a cruel toaster, a proud beggar, a man seven feet high. t% Note, The word r+ extension" here is' taken in a mire " logical" sense, afid not it a "'phriiett" and '4, methcmrticat" sense.