844 LOGIC: OR, THE RIGHT USE OF REASON. Here note, that in the English tongue two negative terms are equal to one positive, and signify the same thing, as not un- happy, signifies happy ; not immortal, signifies mortal ; he is no imprudent man, that is, he is a man of prudence : but the sense and force of the word in such a negative way of expression, seem to be a little diminished. SECT. III. --Of simple and complex Terms. II. TERMS are divided into simple or complex. A sim- ple term is one word, a complex term is when more words are used to signify one thing. Some terms are complex in words, but not in sense, such is the second Emperor of Rome; for it excites ¡u our mind only the idea of one man, namely, Augustus. Some terms are complex in sense, but not in words; so when I say an army, a forest, I mean a multitude of men or trees ; and almost all our moral ideas, as well as many of our natural ones, are expressed in this manner; religion, piety, loyalty, knavery, theft, include a variety of ideas, in each term. There are other terms which are complex both in words and sense ; so when I say a fierce dog, or a pious man, it excites an idea not only of those two creatures, but of their peculiar cha- racters also. Among the terms that are complex itt sense, but not in words, we may reckon those simple terms which contain a pri- mary and a secondary idea in them ; as when I hear my neigh- bour speak that which is not true, and I say to hitn, this is not true, or this is false, I only convey to him the naked idea of his error ; this is the primary idea : But if I say it is a lie, the word lie carries also a secondary idea in it, for it implies both the falsehood of the speech, and my reproach and censure of the speaker. On the other hand, if I say it is a mistake, this car- ries also a secondary idea with it : for it not only refers to the falsehood of his speech, but includes my tenderness and civility to him at the same time. Another instance may be this ; when I use the word, incest, adultery, and murder, 1 convey to another not only the primary idea of those actions, but I in- elude also the secondary idea of their unlawfulness, and my abhorrence of them. Note lit, Hence it comes to pass, that among words which signify the same principal ideas, somé are clean and decent, ether's unclean ; some chaste, others obscene; somé are kind, others ire 'affronting and reproaclful, because of the secondary ideà which custom has affixed to them. And it is the part of a Wise man; when there is a necessity of expression any evil actions, to do it either by a word that has a secondary idea of kindness or iofthess,' or a 'word that carries with it in idea of rebuke and