Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.7

354 LOGIC: ea, Tttt llGHT t sL or REABOtt. these remarks with mera variety and particularity, yet it is also the work of a logician to give notice of these things, lest dark- ness, confusion, and perplexity, be brought into our conceptions by the means of words, and thence our judgments and reason- ings become erroneous. CHAP. V. General birections relating to our Ideas. Direction I. FURNISH yourselves with a rich variety of ideas ; acquaint yourselves with things ancient and modern ; things natural, civil and religious ; things domestic and national : things of your native land, and of foreign countries ; things pre- sent, past; and future, and above all, be well acquainted with God and yourselves ; learn animal nature, and the workings of your own spirits. Such a general acquaintance with things will be of very great advantage. The first benefit of it is this : it will assist the use of reason in all its following operations ; it will teach yòu to judge of things aright, to argue justly, and to methodise your thoughts with accuracy. When you shall find several things a -kin to each other, and several different from each other, agreeing in some part of their idea, and disagreeing in other parts, you will range your ideas in better order, you will be more easily led into a distinct knowledge of things, and will obtain a rich store of proper thoughts and arguments upon all occasions. You will tell me, perhaps, that you design the study of the law or divinity ; and what good can natural philosophy or ma- thematics do you, or any other science, not directly subordinate to your chief design ? But let it be considered, that all sciences bave a sort of mutual connection ; and knowledge of all kinds fits the mind to reason and judge better concerning any particular subject. I have known a judge upon the bench betray his igno- rance, and appear a little confused in his sentiments about a case of suspected murder brought before him, for want of some ac- quaintance with animal nature and philosophy. Another benefit of it is this ; such a large and general acquaintance with things will secure you from perpetual admire- lions and snrprizes, and guard you against that weakness of ignorant persons, who have never seen any thing beyond the confines of their own dwelling, and therefore they wonder at almost every thing they see ; every thing beyond the smoke of their own chimney, and the reach of their own windows, is new and strange to them. A tiird benefit of such an universal acquaintance with things, is this; it will keep you from being too positive and doge atical from an excess of credulity and unbelief, that is, a