QiS4 LOGIC: OR, THE RIGHT VSE OE REASON. nurse is no physician; therefore the nurse came not to the con. saltation. III. Or, Comparative propositions ; as knowledge is better than riches : virtue is better than knowledge ; therefore virtue is better than riches or thus, a dove will fly a mile in a minute; a swallow flies swifter than a dove; therefore a swallow will fly more than a mile in a minute. 1V. Or, Inceptive and desitive propositions ; as, the fogs vanish as the sun rises; but the fogs have not yet began to va- nish ; therefore the sun is not yet risen. V. Or Modal propositions; as, it is necessary that a Gene- ral understand the art of war ; but Caius does not understand the art of war; therefore it is necessary Caius should not be a General : Or thus, A total eclipse of the sun would cause darkness at noon : it is possible that the moon at that time may totally éclipse the sun ; therefore it is possible that the moon may cause darkness at noon. Besides all these, there is a great number of complex syl- logisms which can hardly be reduced under any particular titles, because the forms of human language are so exceeding vari- ous; as, Christianity requires us to believe what the apostles wrote : St. Paul is an apostle ; therefore christianity requires us to be- lieve what St. Paul wrote. No human artist can make an animal; a fly or a worm is an animal ; therefore no human artist can make a fly or a worm. The father always lived in London.; the son always lived with the father ; therefore the son always lived in London. The blossom soon follows the full bud ; this pear -tree bath many full buds; therefore it will shortly have many blossoms. One hail-stone never falls alone : but a hailstone fell just now ; therefore others fell with it. Thunder seldom comes without lightning ; but it thundered yesterday ; therefore probably it lightened also. Moses wrote before the Trojan war; the first Greek histo, rians wrote after the Trojan war; therefore the first Greek his- torians wrote after Moses.* Now the force of all these arguments is so evident and conclusive, that though the form of the syllogism be never so irregular yet we are sure the inferences are just and true ; ter the premises, according to the reason of things, do really Perhaps some of these syllogisms may be reduced to those which I call " connextve" afterward, but is of little moment to what a species', they Setoog; for it is not any formal net of rules, so much as the evidence and force of reason, that most determine the truth or falsehood of all suchsyl- logis:ns. ..