Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

SECTION II. 225 our meridian : But we do not change our meridian if we move directly to the north or south. Upon this account the horizon and meridian are called changeable circles, and the globe is made moveable within these circles to represent this changeableness, whereby every place on the earth may be brought under its proper meridian, and be sur- rounded with its proper horizon. III. The equator or equinoctial line crosses the meridian at right angles, and divides the globe into the northern and sou- thern hemispheres ; and distinguishes the sun's yearly path into the summer and winter half-years. It represents in the heavens that very line or cirçle which is the path of the sun in those two days in spring and autumn when the days and nights are of equal length. Among all the circles of the globe, this is sometimes emi- nently called the line; and passing over it at sea is called by sailors crossing the line. Note, The sun, moon and stars, with all the frame of the heavens, are supposed to be whirled round from east to west every twenty-four hours upon the axis of the equator, or (which. is all, one) in their several paths parallel to the equator. This is called their diurnal or daily motion. IV. 'The ecliptic line is the sun's annual oryearly path, cut- ting the equinoctial in two opposite points obliquely at the angles of 231 degrees. On it are figured the marks of the 12 signs through which the sun passes, viz. Aries the Ram r, Taurus the Bull 8, Gemini the Twins II, Cancer the Crab 0, Leo the Lion Sj,, Virgo the Virgin TTR, Libra the Balance - I:, Scor- pio the Scor¡3ion-11t, Sagittarius the Archer .r , Capricornus the Sea-Goat, Y1, Aquarius the Waterer =, Pisces the Fishes X. These signs are certain constellations or numbers of stars which are reduced by the fancy of men for distinction sake into the form of twelve animals, and for the use of the English rea- der may be described thus : The Ram, the Bull, theheavenly Twins, And next the Crab, the Lion stuns, The Virgin, and the Scales. The Scorpion, Archer, and Sea- Goat, The Man that holds the Water--pet, And Fish with glitteringTails. Among these signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, are called northern. But Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, are southern. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini are ascending signs, becouse they stand in succession northward, or rising gradually higher in our European hemisphere; But Cancer, Teo, Virgo, VOL. VIII. P