Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

1 206 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. 1 proceed now to Germtany, which stands in the very heart of Europe; it is called an Empire, and its chief city where the emperor dwells is Vienna : But there are in it many lesser governments, such as dukedoms, marquisates, bishoprics, and several free towns or cities that have some dependence upon the emperor, but yet they are little sovereignties within them- sèlves. The most considerable of these is the dominion of the arch- duke of Austria, who is king of Bohemia and Hungary, and is generally chosen emperor. The nine electorates are next in honour, which are so called because their governors are electors by whom the emperor of Germany is chosen. Their names or titles are these : I. The archbishop of Mentz. 2. The archbi- shop of Triers or Treves. 3. The archbishop of Cologn. 4. The kingof Bohemia. 5. The duke of Bavaria. 6. The duke of Saxony. 7. The marquis of Brandenburgh, now king of Prussia. 8. The prince palatine of the Rhine. 9. The duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg, who is also king of Great Britain. Besides all these there are many small principalities governed by secular or ecclesiastical powers, which are too numerous to be reckoned up here. Poland' is a large kingdom lying to the east of Germany: It comprehends also the large provinceof Lithuania: The chief cities of this kingdom are Warsaw and Cracow. I might here mention the country of Prussia, which some years past has been dignified with the name of a kingdom: It is situate northward between Germany and Poland. The king resides at Berlin in Brandenburgh. Hungary is a kingdom which lies just south of Poland, its chief towns are Presbnrg and Buda : It has been in a great mea- sure under the government of the Turks ; but it now belongs to the emperor of Germany. Little Tartary, which is also called Crim Tartary, is a small country lying to the east of Poland, and stretching along on the north side of the Euxine or Black Sea. III. We go on now to the southern parts of Europe; ,and these are Spain, Italy, and the European dominions of the Turk. Spain is the most southern kingdom of Europe, a large country ; its capital city Madrid stands in the midst of it : On the west side of it lies the kingdom of Portugal bordering all along upon it ; it was once a part of Spain, but now is subject to a distinct. king : Its chief city is Lisbon. Italy is a large peninsula in the Mediterranean sea, and contains various governments in 'it, viz. Mantua, Modena, Parma, Lucca, Genoa, &c. but the most noted and remarkable are these live, Venice, Milan, Florence or Tuscany, Naples, and