SECTIONXIII. 257 the State of the church, which is the dominion of the pope; whose chief city is Rome. In the south east part of Europe lies the famous country of Greece, which contains the ancient provinces of Macedonia, Thessalia, Achaia, &c. with the towns of Thessalonica, Phi- lippi, Athens, Corinth, &c. and the peninsula of Peloponnesus, nowcalled Moreá: But all these together with the more northern provinces of Transilvania, Walachia, Bulgaria, Romania, &c. are now altruist entirely under the dominion of the Turk, whose chief city is Constantinople, situate at the mouth of the Euxine sea. All this is called Turkey in Europe. Thus have wegone through the northern and middle, and southern countries of Eu- rope : But it may be prope4'to mention also some of the chief islands of this part of the world, as well as the mountains of Europe and its rivers. Near to Italy, France and Spain, lie several islands in the Mediterranean sea ; such as Majorca, Minorca, Ivica, Cor- sica, Sardinia, Sicily and Malta, which belong to different princes. On the east side of Greece is the Ægean sea, or Archi- pelago, in which are many small islands, and Crete a large one On the west side of Greece is the Gulph of Venice, or the Adri- atic sea, in which also there are several small islands, as Corfu, Cephalonia,, Zant, &c. Divers other isles there are which are included in Europe ; as Isle of Man, of Anglesey, of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, &c. which belong to England : The Hebrides on the west of Scot- land, the Orcades, and Shetland Isles on the North Some in the Baltic sea, which belong to Sweden and Denmark : The Azores or western islands in the Atlantic sea, which are under the king of Spain. And several others of less note. Some of the most remarkable mountains inEurope are these, 1. The Alps between France and Italy. 2. The Apennine hills in Italy. 3. The Pyrenean hills between France and Spain. A. The Carpathian mountains in the south of Poland. 5. The Peak in Derbyshire in England. 6. Plinlimmon in Wales, &.c. Besides several volcanoes, or burning mountains, as Ve- suvius and Stromboli in Naples, Mount./Etua, now called Mon- Gibel, in the island of Sicily, and Mount Hecla in the cold isle of Iceland. The principal rivers of note in Europe are the Thames and the Severn in England; the Tay in Scotland; the Shan- non in Ireland ; Tagus in Portugal and Spain ; the Po and Tiber in Italy ; the Weisel or Vistula in Poland. Iu Germany the Elbe and the Oder, the Rhirfe arid the Danube. In France the Seine and the Rhone. In Moscovy the Don and the Volga. VOL. vin. R