SECTION XV. 259 The whole is a savage, unpolished and unknown country as to the parts as well as the inhabitants of it; and how far it reaches to the north-east, no man in this part of the world can inform us. There are multitudes of Islands which belong to Asia, the chief of which areJapan, Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Ceylon, the Philippine Isles, the Maldivian Isles, &c. all these in the eastern Ocean, and Cyprus in the Mediterranean. Themost remarkable rivers are Tigris and Euphrates in Turkey, Ganges and Indus in India, whence the whole country took its first name. The chief mountains are Imaus, Caucasus, Ararat, which are but different parts of the long ridge of hills which runs through Asia from the west to the east, and is called by the ancient general name of Mount Taurus. SECT. XV.-Of Africa and its Divisions. AFRICA is the third quarter of the world : It may be divided into the following territories, Egypt, Barbary, Bildul- gerid, Zaara, Nigritia, Guinea, Nubia, Abyssinia and Ethiopia. Egypt lies to the north east and joins to Asia ; the chief cities are Grand Cairo and Alexandria. Barbary is a long country, it comprehends most part of the ancient Mauritania, or the country of the Moors; it lies along the coast of the Mediterranean sea : Its chief towns are Fez, Morocco, Mechaness, Sallee, Tangier, Ceuta, Algier, Tunis, Tripoli and Barca. Bildulgerid, or theancient Numidia, has itschief town Da- ra; it lies south and south-east of Barbary, unless it be reckoned a part of it. Zaara comes next ; it is a desart inland country, and much unknown. So is Nigritia, or the land of the Negroes, which lies to the South of Zaara; as Guinea is situated in the south of Nigritia. The Tooth or Ivory Coast, and the Quaque Coast, and the Gold Coast, are several divisions of Guinea well known to mariners. Nubia lies southward of Egypt, as Abyssinia does to the south of Nubia, both near thecoast of the Red sea. Ethiopia has been given as a general name to all the countries that compose the south-east and south part of Africa, at least, all the maritime countries or coasts from Guinea, on the western side to Abyssinia, or Nubia on the east, and sometimes it includes Abyssinia also, which is called the lesser or inner Ethiopia. In the most southern part of Ethiopia, are the inland king- . doms of Monomotapa, Monoemunga, &c. On the western coast, Congo, Loango, Angola; the eastern coast is Zanguebar and the 1Vlo.sambique. The southermost coast is inhabited by the R 2