Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

260 GEOGRAPrlY AND ASTRONOMY. Cafres and the Hottentòts, near the Cape of Good Hope, who arefamous for their stupidity, living in the most brutal and barba- rous manner, as though they had little of human nature in them beside the shape. The chief Islands near Africa are the large Isle Madagas- car, called the Isle of St. Lawrence, that lies toward the eastern sea; and on the west or north -west are the small Islands of Cape Perd, the Canary Islands, and the Madeiras in the At- lantic sea, with others of lèsser note in the Ethiopicsea. The most famous rivers in Africa are the Nile and the Ni- ger. The Nile runs through all the eastern part of the country, and empties itself into the Mediterrenean sea by many mouths at the landof Egypt. The river Senegal, anciently calledNiger, runs through Negroland, into the Atlantic ocean. The most re- markable motititains are these, (1.) Mount Atlas, or the Atlantic hills in thé west of Barbary, which were supposed by the ancients to be the highest in the world ; whence came the fable of Atlas a giant bearing the heavens upon his shoulders. (e.) TheMoun- tains of the Moon, which lie much more southward to Monomo- tapa: And (3.) The exceeding high bill of Teneraff, which is among the Canary islands. SECT. XVI. -0fAmerica and its Divisions. AMERICA is the fourth and last quarter of the world, it is divided into the nórtheen and southern parts by an isthmus or neck of land at Darien or Panama. Northern America includes Canada, the English Empire, Old Mexico, New Mexico, Florida, and the Northern Land. The Northern Land contains some Islands and settlements of European nations. In Iludson's -Bay and other coasts of Groenland, Greenland, near to the arctic circle, but few of them are much known, frequented or inhabited. As for the north-west part of North America, it is utterly unknàwn whe- therit be Island or Continent, whether it may not reach thou- sands of ,miles farther and be joined to the north-east part of Great Tartary. Canada, or New France,. lies on the north -east side of the river of St. Lawrence, its chieftown is Quebec. The EnglishEmpire in America lies along the eastern coast from about thirty to almost fifty degrees of north latitude. New England is the chief province, of which.'Boston is the principal town or city. North of New England lies. Acadia, sometimes called New Scotland. Its chief town was Port Royal, .which bath changed its name to Annapolis. Southward ofNew England lieNewYork, New Jersey, Pensylvaniaand Maryland, _Virginia and Carolina. On the west and north-west side of these