SECTION XVI. 281 plantations lie large tracts of land with 'many great lakes in it, where various nations of savages inhabit. Florida comes next in course to be mentioned, it borders east or ,north-eastward on Carolina, and westward it reaches to the river Missisippi and beyond it. It is bounded by the sea on the south, but there have been no very great or remarkable towns or settlements formed there by the Spaniards, who found, and named it. New Mexico, or New Granada, lies west of Florida, pos- sessed also by the Spaniards ; its chief town is St. Fe, upon the river Nort. Mexico, or New Spain, lies more south, it is a large and rich country, long and uneven, stretching from north-west to south -east ; and contains many provinces in it belonging to the Spaniards, who have destroyed millions of the natives there. It leas several towns, of which the chief has the name of Mexico given it. Florida and Mexico together makea large bay, which is called the Gulf of Florida, or the Gulf of Mexico. This country reaches clown to the small neck of land whereby South America is joined -to it. On this neck of 'arid are Panama on the south side, and Porto-Bello on the north. The southern part, of America is something tike a large tri- angle lying in the vast southern ocean, and almost encompassed by it. On the western side this ocean is called the Pacific Sea, because seldom vexed with storms. This southern part of America comprehends many great countries, viz. Terra Firma, Peru, Amazonia, Guinea, Brasil, Chili, Paraguay, Terra Magellanica, &c. The inland parts are very much unknown, but the greatest part of the coastsare possessed by the inhabitants derived from Spain and Portugal, who have made various settlements there. The chief islands of America in the north are Newfound- land, which is a triangle near Acadia ; then Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica. The lesser isles are called Lucayes, or Bahama islands, south -east of Florida ; and the Caribbee islands east- ward of Hispaniola. On the west side of North America, lies a very large and long island, called California, with many little ones near it. The chief island in south America is Terra del Fuegò, which lies near the main land, and thus makes the straits of Magellan. There are many others of less extentand note, both on the coast, and in the vast south-sea. The 'Mist noted rivers of north America are the great rivers of St. Lawrence, or Canada, that divides New England from New France; and the river Missisippi where the French baye made large settlements. . In South America the two great rivers are the Amazon with all its branches, and Rio de la Plata, or the river of Plate. a3