Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

A TABLE Of the right Ascencion and Declination of some of the most noted among the .fixed Stars, for the Year 1754, which will serve for near 20 Years without sensible Errors. TheNAMES of the STARS. Decli- no nation. Right Ascen.I d, m. d. ni. Algenib inFlyingHorse'sWing, called alsoAla Pegasi, 2 00 10 13 40N. Schcder in Cassiopeia's Breast, 3 06 41 55 03 N. Bright Star in Aries, 2.28 20 22 09 N. Mandibula or ¡Veneer, the Whale's Jaw, 2 42 23 02 06N. Algol in the Head of Medusa, 3 43 01 39 53N. Aldebaran, the Bull's Eye, 1 65 29 15 55N. Capella, the Goat-Star, 1 7435 4541N: Regelt, the bright Foot of Orion, 1 75 28 08 33 S. Orion's preceding Shoulder, 2 77 49 06 04N. Middlemost in Orion's Girdle, 2 81 01 01 24S. Last in Orion's Girdle, 2 82 12 02 07S. Orion's followingShoulder, 1 85 31 07 19 N. Syrius, the Dog-Star, 1 9844 1620S. Castor's Head, i. e. the Northernmost Twin, 2 109 41 32 27N. Procyon, or the little Dog-Star, 2 111 41 05 N. Hydra's Heart, 2 138 56 07 30S. Regulus, the Lion's Heart, 1 148 49 13 18 N. Deneb,'the Lion's Tail, 217408 1606N. First in the Great Bear's Tail, 3 190 28 21 53N. Vindemiatrix, Virgin's North Wing, 2 192 53 57 03 N. Virgin's Spike, 1198 05 09 448. Middlemost in the Great Bear's Tail, 2 198 06 '56 23 N. Last in the Great Bear's Tail, 2 204 34 50 43 N. Arcturus, 1 211 11 20 39 N. Southern. Balance, 2219 21 14 53 S. Northern Crown, . . 2231 11 27 40 N. dntares, the Scorpion's Heart, 1 243 37 26 47S, Setpentarius's Head, 2260 58 12 46 N. Dragon's Head, 2268 60 51 32N. LucidaLyra, in the Harp, 1 277 21 38 33N. Eagle or Vulture's Heart, . 1 294 46 08 10 N. Antinous's Hand, 3292 54.01 37S. Fossahant, theSouthern Fish's Mouth, 1 340 51-31 04S. Scheat, in the Flying Horse's Shoulder, 2 343 00 26 36N. Marchab, in the Flying Horse'sNeck, 2 343 09 13 44 N. Andromeda's Head, 2 58 58 27 35 N. Note, Ia this Edition, which is taken from the Fourth publ shed by the Doctor, there are no alterations trade, except what were necessary to adapt the various parts thereof, particularly the tables, to the new style, and the present time. 8 ' These Tables will answer pretty exactly for every other 50 years, counting from the date of the years here mentioned, viz. the tables for 1803, will be the same with those for 1703, allowance being made for the variation of thestile; and those for 1853, will be nearly the oasis with the tables here exhibited for the year 1753. In like manner the tables for 1754, 1755, 1756, will nearly represent the San's Declination for the years 1854, 1855, 1856. 2