Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

SECTION II. 551 " Whether the constant mitigation of the rigours of the law against self- murderers, may not give some encouragement to that practice ; and whether the favourable verdict they bring in, be always so righteous and so seasonable as they imagine ? And since the wisdomof the law intends that the confiscation of estates, the undoing a family, and the shameful burial shall de- ter them from these horrible attempts, whether the mercy that defeats all these intentions be not inure like to continue than to repress these cruel violences ? Were a person sure that iris estate would be forfeited, and his effects carried away from his .wife, children and family, were he sure that his dead body should be publicly exposed, buried in the high-way, and with a stake driven through it as a mark of huge infamy, perhaps he would give way to calmer counsels, and be content to bear a little shampe, or pain, or loss, till God saw fit to put an end toall his sufferings by natural means : And therefore an instance or two of such severity, as is legal, well and wiselychosen, might provea greater preservative against these violences than such a constant and expected mercy, as we always find on these- occa-1 For men have now no fear of laws ; and when they hive laid aside the fear of God, theygo about thisbusiness with great readiness, they are sure of favour in this world, and they will venture the other." V. Think in the last place, how fatal an influence your :example may have to bring death and ruin on others, and that on their immortal souls as well as on their mortal life. Remem- ber what an effectthe self-murder of Saul had, when hisarmour- bearer followed him, and died also by his own sword. And oftentimes where self- murder is practised, it fills the heads of other melancholy and uneasy persons with the same bloody thoughts, and teaches them to enter into the same temptation. Think then with yourself, " What if I should not only destroy my own soul for ever, but become the dreadful occasion of others destroying their souls, and flinging themselves into the same place of torture ? What sharp accents will this add to my anguish of conscience in hell, that I have led others into the same wretchedness without remedy, without hope, and without end ? Think and enquire whether every self-murderer who may be influenced hereafter by your example to this impious fact, may not be sent particularly to visit your ghost in those invisible regions; and become a new tormentor. Whether all such future events "may not be turned by the just judgment of God to increase your agonies and horrors of soul in that world of despair and misery.