Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.8

SECTION IV. 561 cite a person to give an unhappy and murderous wound to his neighbour, may some time or other, most unhappily imbrue his hands in his own blood. Remember this, that it has scarce ever been known that a man of temperance, sobriety and virtue, and who in the general course of his life has kept his lusts and passions under due restraint, has been much assaultedwith this temptation to self- murder, except only in cases of great bodily disorders of prevail- ing melancholy, and the loss of reason. The third direction I shall copy from Doctor Mather. III. Advice. 00 Beware of such sins as may provoke the holy and righteous God to lead thee unto this horrid evil. 'c Beware of pride. When men will rather not beat all, than be what God would have them be; what cursed pride is that ? And how dangerous a step toward this sin ? This pro- duces murmurings at the providence of God ; and causes people to say ; 2 Kings vi. 33. " What should I wait for the Lord any longer ?" " Beware of self-confidence. Be sensible of thy weakness; 1 Cor. x. 13. Let him that stands take heed lest he fall. Be not confident of thy own strength to encounter the adversary. If God should let Satan loose upon thee, he will be toohard for thee, 't Beware of a heart glued to theworld. When theworld is a man's idol, he will rather part with his life, with his own hands he will give it away, rather than part with the world, and be content to live in poverty. " Beware of unbelief. Distrust not the fatherly care of thy heavenlyFather." The dread of poverty and starving has been sometimes the cause of self destruction ; but it is the erect of dis- trust in God. as Beware of despair; 1 Thess. v. 8. " Putting on for a helmet the hope of salvation." Say not, the day of grace is over with me. Say not, I have sinned unpardonably ! Vain imagi- nations. " Beware ofthe more heinous cri Ines-; whichare in a special manner God-provokingevils. The sins against nature are so. Some that have been guilty of such sins in secret and have not repented of them, God has for such things left them to this, which is a sin against nature too ! " There are other atrocious crimes ; whereof this has been the consequence. Judas and Pilate, are two fearful examples of it !" The sacred history informs us of the tragical end of Judas, and the histories of the church tell us that Pilate also destroyed himself some years afterwards, at Lyons in France.. " Finally ; Beware of backslidings from God, and from good beginnings in religion. Remember that word ; Zoos. viii. 3. VOL. VIII N N