PSALMS CIII. C1V. 97 Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate, 2 God will not always chide And when his strokes are felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt, 3 High as the heav'ns arerais'd Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of his grace Odi highest thoughts exceed. 4 His power subdues our sins; And hjs forgiving love, Far as the east is fromthe west, Doth all our guilt remove. 5 The pity of the Lord To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel : He knows our feeble frame. 6 He knows we are but dust, Scatter'd with every breath; His anger, like a rising wind, Can send us swift to death. 7 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning fiow'r If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. ß But thy compassion, Lord, To endless 'ears endure; And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. PSALM CIHI. ver. 19 - -22. Part III. [S. M.] God's universal dominion;. or, angels praise the Lord. 1 THE Lord, the sov'reign King, Hath fix'd his throne on high; O'er all the heav'nly world he rules,. And all beneath the sky. 2 Ye angels, great in might, And swift to do his will, Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear, Whose pleasure ye fulfil. 3 Let the bright hosts who wait The orders of their King, And guard hischurches,whentheypray, Join in the praise they sing. 4 While all his wondrous works, Thro' his vast kingdom skew, Their Maker's glory ; thou, my soul; Shall sing his graces too. PSALM CIV. The glory of God in creation and pro- vidence. 1 MY soul, thy great Creator praise : When cloth'd in his celestial rays, He in full majesty appears, And like's robe his glory wears; Note, This salmmagbe sung to the tune of the old Hat's or 127th psalm, by adding these Imo lines to every stanza, namely, Great is the Lord) what tongue can frame An equal honour to his name ? Otherwise it must be siOtg as the ieoth psalm. VOL. IS. 2 Theheav'ns are for his curtains spread, Th' unfathom'd deephe makes hisbed, Clouds are his chariot, when he flies On winged storms across the skies. 3 Angels, whom his own breath inspires, His ministers, are flaming fires And swift as thought their armies move To bear his vengeance or his love. 4 The world's foundations by his hand Are pois'd, and shall for ever stand : He binds the ocean in his chain, Lest it should drown the earth again. 5 When earth was cover'dwith the flood, Which high abovethemountains stood, He thunder'd and the ocean fled, Confin'd to its appointed bed. 6 The swelling billows know their bound, And in their channelswalk their round, Yet thence convey'd by secret veins, They spring on hills and drench the plains. 7 He bids the crystal fountains flow, And cheer the valleys at -they go Tame heifers there theit thirst allay, And fer the stream wild asses bray. 8 From pleasant trees which snade the brink, The lark and linnet light to drink : Their songs the light and linnet raise, And chide our silence in his praise. PAUSE T. 9 God from his cloudy cistern pours On theparch'dearth enriching shovers: The grove, the garden, and the field, A thousand joyful blessings yield. 19 He makes the grassy food arise, And gives the cattle large supplies ; With herbs for man of various pow'r To nourish nature, or to cure. 11 What noble fruit the vines produce! The olive yields a shining juice Our hearts are cheer'd' with gen'rous wine, With inward joy our faces shine. 12 0-bless his name, ye Britons ! fed With nature's chief supporter,bread; While bread your vital strength im- parts, Servehim with vigour in your hearts. PAUSE II. 13 Behold the stately cedar stands, Rais'd in the forest by his hands ; Birds to the boughs for shelter fly, And build their nests secure on high. 14 To craggy hills ascends the goat, And at the airy mountains' foot Thefeebler ereatuneaaraketheir cell; He gives themwisdom whereto dwell. 15 He sets the sun his circling race, Appoints themoonto change herface ; And whenthickdarknessveils the day, Callsontwildbeasts tohunttheir prey. 16 Fierce lions lead their young abroad, And roaring ask tlLir meatfrom God ; G